(A) Purpose and intent. The purpose of the districts set forth in this section is to ensure the health, safety and general welfare of the citizens of Greene County. More specifically, it is the intent of the Board of Commissioners in establishing these districts to:
(1) Preserve the county's rural and agricultural character while accommodating new development consistent with the county's land use goals and objectives;
(2) Ensure that new development does not impair the ability of existing agricultural uses to continue operation;
(3) Protect and preserve the natural environment within the county;
(4) Provide for residential housing choice and nonresidential services as may be compatible with such development;
(5) Minimize any negative impacts of nonresidential development on residential uses;
(6) Create suitable environments for various types of commercial and industrial uses, and protect them from the adverse effects of incompatible uses.
(B) Agriculture/Rural (AR) District. The Agriculture/Rural (AR) District is intended to accommodate low density residential and agricultural-related uses, as well as public, institutional, and low intensity commercial uses. The purpose of this district is to preserve and encourage the continued use of land for agricultural and open space purposes. This district is established to preserve and protect rural agricultural area of the county from dense residential development and intensive commercial development that is inconsistent with the character of these rural areas.
(C) Residential (R) District. The Residential (R) District is established as a district in which the principal use of land is for residential uses. The specific intent of this district is to encourage the construction of and the continued use of the land for residential purposes by prohibiting commercial and industrial use of land and other uses which would substantially interfere with the development of residential dwellings in these districts.
(D) Commercial (C) District. The Commercial (C) District is established as a district in which the principal use of land is for professional office, institutional, retail, and wholesale uses that serve the residential districts and rural areas of the county, as well as travelers and the region surrounding the county.
(E) Industrial (I) District. The Industrial (I) District is established as a district in which the principal use of land is for industrial, manufacturing, warehousing, wholesale, and related commercial and service uses that have access to major thoroughfares. This district is specifically designed to accommodate those uses which, by their nature, are wholly incompatible with residential land uses and require separation from those areas to ensure that the operations taking place do not interfere with the use of adjoining or nearby properties. It is also the intention of this district to allow uses that will not generate health and safety hazards to county residents.
(F) Global TransPark (GTP) Overlay District. The Global TransPark (GTP) Overlay District is established as a district where commercial, storage, warehousing, and industrial uses which support the presence and growth of the NC Global TransPark will be promoted. The NC Global TransPark is an industrial park and airport in Lenoir County which supports the manufacturing, logistics, and research and development needs of the aerospace, defense, emergency response and disaster relief industries. Where lands are classified within the GPT Overlay District in addition to a general zoning district, the regulations governing development in the GTP Overlay District shall apply in addition to the regulations governing in the underlying base zoning district.
(Ord. passed 6-21-21)