(A)   Application requirements. Applications required under this chapter shall be submitted on forms and in such numbers as required by Greene County Planning Department.
   (B)   Site plan requirements. All applications for new developments of less than five acres must submit a site plan concurrently with any application for a permit. Site plans must be performed, signed and sealed by a surveyor or licensed in the State of North Carolina engineer. Site plans must be to scale (1" = 60" or less) and should include, but are not limited to:
      (1)   Location of boundary lines and should be accurately represented with all bearings and distances shown;
      (2)   Location of proposed improvements (house, buildings, drive, parking lots, or other built features);
      (3)   All minimum building setbacks;
      (4)   Location of any buffers, easements or right-of-ways that affect proposed property;
      (5)   If the property is located within a flood hazard area, the site plan will require a flood statement; and
      (6)   Any other information that may be needed to adequately determine approval by the Zoning Administrator, Building Inspector, and/or Health Department. Accessory structures and additions to existing structures will not need a site plan unless determined by the above departments. If there are any questions or concerns about any requirements or if a site plan is required, the Zoning Administrator may be contacted.
   (C)   Fees.
      (1)   All applications and associated fees shall be filed with the Greene County Planning Department at the time of submittal.
      (2)   An applicant who has paid the appropriate fee pursuant to the submission of an application, but who chooses to withdraw such application prior to having been initiated by county staff shall be entitled to a refund of the amount paid upon written request to the Planning Department. Once review has begun, no refund shall be available.
      (3)   The applicant shall submit the cost of postage to notify all adjacent landowners.
   (D)   Completeness review.
      (1)   All applications shall be sufficient for processing before staff is required to review the application.
      (2)   An application shall be sufficient for processing when it contains all of the information necessary to decide whether or not the development as proposed will comply with all of the requirements of this chapter.
      (3)   Once the application has been determined sufficient for processing, copies of the application shall be referred by staff to the appropriate reviewing entities.
      (4)   The review officials may require an applicant to present evidence of authority to submit the application.
   (E)   Public notice.
      (1)   Notice shall be required for legislative hearings of applications for approval as shown in Table 3.2.
   Table 3.2 Public Notice Requirements
Published (Newspaper)
Posted (Sign)
Special Use Permit
   Table 3.2 Public Notice Requirements
Published (Newspaper)
Posted (Sign)
Text Amendment
Zoning Map Amendment (Rezoning)
      (2)   Where published notice is required by this chapter, a distinctive advertisement shall be placed by the county in a local newspaper of general circulation once a week for two successive calendar weeks, the first notice being published not less than ten days nor more than 25 days before the date fixed for the legislative hearing.
      (3)   Notice of proposed modifications to the text of this chapter shall be made in accordance with § 154.040.
      (4)   Notice of proposed modifications to any amendment of the Official Zoning Map shall be made in accordance with the provisions of § 154.041.
   (F)   Evidentiary hearings and legislative hearings. Hearings shall be required for development review as shown in Table 3.3.
   Table 3.3 Evidentiary Hearing and Legislative Hearing Summary
Board of Adjustment
Board of Commissioners
Special Use Permit
Text Amendment
Zoning Map Amendment (Rezoning)
Administrative Appeal
* Hearing is not legislative, but evidentiary in nature and must follow quasi-judicial procedures.
Hearing is legislative.
   (G)   Notice of decision by Zoning Administrator. Any approval or disapproval of an application for zoning compliance made pursuant to this section shall be communicated by the Administrator who shall in turn give written notice to the owner of the property that is the subject of the determination and to the party who sought the determination, if different from the owner. The written notice shall be delivered by personal delivery, electronic mail, or by first-class mail. The notice shall be delivered to the last address listed for the owner of the affected property on the county tax abstract and to the address provided in the application or request for a determination if the party seeking the determination is different from the owner.
   (H)   Withdrawal of application.
      (1)   An applicant may withdraw an application at any time, by filing a statement of withdrawal with the Zoning Administrator.
      (2)   The statement of withdrawal shall be signed by all persons who signed the application, or in the event of death or incompetence, by the estate's lawful personal representative, or the applicant's guardian.
      (3)   The Zoning Administrator may withdraw applications due to failure of the applicant to submit required information within 90 days of the initial request for said information.
   (I)   Administrative (minor) modifications. The Zoning Administrator is authorized to review and approve administratively a minor modification to a development approval, subject to the following limitations:
      (1)   General limitations. The minor modification:
         (a)   Does not involve a change in uses permitted or the density of overall development permitted;
         (b)   Does not increase the impacts generated by the development on traffic, stormwater runoff, or similar impacts beyond what was projected for the original development approval; and
         (c)   Meets all other ordinance requirements.
      (2)   In addition to the general limitations for minor modifications, dimensional standard minor modifications are limited to:
         (a)   An adjustment to minor shifts in building size or location. A new site plan may be required at the discretion of Planning Director.
         (b)   Adjustment to setback requirements up to one foot or 5%, whichever is greater, of the standard setback.
         (c)   Driveway locations.
         (d)   An adjustment to parking requirements up to the greater of 20 spaces or 10%.
(Ord. passed 6-21-21)