(A)   Literal interpretation.
      (1)   The language of this chapter must be read and interpreted literally. Regulations contained within this chapter are no more or less strict than stated.
      (2)   Unless otherwise specifically provided, or unless otherwise clearly required by the context, the words and phrases defined in G.S. Ch. 160D shall have the meanings herein set forth when used in this chapter. If a word or phrase used in this chapter is not defined by G.S. Ch. 160D or elsewhere in this chapter, to the extent such word or phrase is defined in G.S. Ch. 160D, that definition shall control.
   (B)   Rules of language and construction. For the purposes of interpreting the general language and sentence construction of this chapter, the following rules of construction apply unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
      (1)   General word interpretation.
         (a)   Words listed in § 154.010 have the specific meaning assigned, unless the context expressly indicates another meaning. Words that are not defined are given their common meaning.
         (b)   Words used in the present tense shall include the future, and words used in the future tense shall include the present tense.
         (c)   "Word" used in the singular number shall include the plural number, and "words" used in the plural number shall include the singular number.
         (d)   The words "shall", "will", "must" and "may not" are mandatory and not discretionary.
         (e)   The word "may" is permissive.
         (f)   The word "person" includes an individual, partnership, firm, association, joint venture, public or private corporation, trust, estate, commission, board, public or private institution, utility, cooperative, interstate body, the State of North Carolina and its agencies and political subdivisions, or other legal entity.
         (g)   The word "lot" shall include the words "plot", " parcel", and "tract".
         (h)   The word "building" shall include all structures of every kind, except fences and walls, regardless of similarity to buildings.
         (i)   The phrase "use for" shall include the phrases "arranged for", "designed for", "intended for", and "occupied for".
         (j)   The word "regulation" also means statutes and laws.
      (2)   Tables, figures and illustrations. Tables, figures, and illustrations are provided for reference only and do not define or limit the scope of any provision of this chapter. In case of any difference of meaning or implication between the text of this chapter and any table, figure or illustration, the text shall govern.
      (3)   Current versions and citations. All references to other county, state or federal regulations in this chapter are intended to be references to the most current versions and citations, unless otherwise expressly indicated. When referenced regulations have been repealed and not replaced by other regulations, requirements for compliance are no longer in effect.
      (4)   Lists and examples. Unless otherwise expressly indicated, lists of items or examples that use "including", "such as" or similar terms are intended to provide examples only. They are not to be construed as exhaustive lists of all possibilities.
      (5)   Delegation of authority. Whenever a provision appears requiring a specific officer or employee of the county to perform an act or duty, that provision will be construed as authorizing the officer or employee to delegate that responsibility to others over whom he or she has authority. Delegation of authority is not allowed when the provisions of this chapter or other laws or regulations expressly prohibit such delegation.
      (6)   Calculations and rounding. Unless otherwise specified within this chapter, all calculations that result in a part or fraction of a whole number must be rounded up to the next highest whole number.
      (7)   Application of certain terms.
         (a)   "Written" or "in writing" is deemed to include electronic documentation.
         (b)   Unless specified otherwise, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, delivery by first-class mail shall be deemed received on the third business day following deposit of the item for mailing with the United States Postal Service, and delivery by electronic mail shall be deemed received on the date sent.
(Ord. passed 6-21-21)