(A)   Any person engaged in or intending to engage in the installation, construction, or repair of sewage disposal systems or equipment shall make an application to the Greene County Health Officer to have his or her name placed on the register of those engaged in the installation, construction, and repair of sewage disposal systems or equipment. The application form shall contain the name and address of the applicant or firm represented by the applicant, and such other information as the Greene County Health Officer may reasonably require to aid him or her in the administration and enforcement of these regulations, or to help him or her determine whether there is any reason why the Health Officer should not approve the applicant’s request to be placed on the register.
   (B)   Any person making application to have his or her name place on the register shall demonstrate their knowledge of all applicable portions of this code, and any and all applicable regulations related to the design, installation, construction, and repair of sewage disposal systems or equipment, and all applicable state rules and regulations. Such demonstration shall be made in the form of the successful completion of an examination covering these topics. The form and content of the examination shall be determined by the Greene County Health Officer or his or her designated representative.
   (C)   The Greene County Health Officer, or his or her designated representative, may remove the name of any person from the register who has demonstrated an inability or unwillingness to comply with these regulations. The Health Officer, or his or her designated representative, must first give such person written notice of his or her intention to take such action, and the reason(s) for such action. The affected person has a right to a hearing before the Health Officer, or his or her designated representative, if the person makes written request to the Health Officer within ten days of the receipt of this notice. The person may appeal an adverse decision to the Health Board by sending written notice of appeal to the Health Officer within ten days of receipt of the Health Officer’s decision. All notices whether by the Health Officer, his or her designated representative, or the affected person, must be delivered in person or sent by certified mail, return receipt requested. In all cases, a receipt must be obtained that indicates the date and to whom the notice was delivered. Once removed, such person may not engage in the installation, construction, or repair of any sewage disposal system or equipment in Greene County until such person applies to have his or her name reinstated on said register by the Health Officer, satisfactorily demonstrates his or her ability and willingness to comply with these regulations, and posts a surety bond with the Greene County Board of Health, State of Indiana, with the surety acceptable to the Board, in the penal sum of not less than $5,000 in favor of the Greene County Board of Health, conditioned upon registrant’s faithful compliance with this chapter and with rules and regulations which may from time to time be established by the Greene County Board of Health relating to the installation of sewage disposal devices or equipment.
   (D)   A list of the currently registered installers in Greene County will be supplied, upon request, to the applicant for an onsite sewage disposal system permit.
   (E)   Any person desiring to install, construct, or repair any sewage disposal system or equipment on property owned by said officer provided said person can satisfactorily pass a written open book examination covering all aspects of system or equipment installation, construction, or repair prior to the installation or repair. A fee for such activity will be collected.
(Ord. 1992-1, passed 5-6-1992)