(A) No person shall throw, run, drain, seep, or otherwise dispose of; or cause, permit, or suffer to be thrown, run, drained, allowed to seep, or otherwise disposed of into any of the surface waters or ground waters of this state; or in an insanitary manner upon public or private property within Greene County; or in any area under the jurisdiction of Greene County; any organic matter that would cause or contribute to a health hazard on such property unless a permit for such disposal has been obtained from the Indiana Department of Environmental Management.
(B) At such time as a public sewer comes within 300 feet of any house, building, or structure used for human occupancy, employment, recreation, or other purpose and served by a private sewage disposal system, a direct connection to the public sewer shall be required should the existing system fail or constitute a health hazard. The system repositories shall be abandoned and filled with suitable granular material, and the house, building, or structure shall be connected to the public sanitary sewer within 90 days after the official notice to do so from the Health Department.
(C) Where a public sanitary or combined sewer is not available, all persons owning or leasing property shall comply with the provisions of this chapter for private sewage disposal systems.
(D) The design, construction, installation, location, maintenance, and operation of private sewage disposal systems shall comply with the provisions of this chapter and the standards of the Indiana State Department of Health rules 410 I.A.C. 6-8.1 and 6-10.
(E) Should any defects exist or occur in any private sewage disposal system which would cause said sewage disposal system to fail and cause an insanitary condition, the defect shall be corrected by the owner or agent of the owner, or by the occupant or agent of the occupant. Failure to comply with said correction is subject to the penalties as prescribed.
(F) If any conditions preclude the installation of a sewage disposal system as described in this chapter, the Greene County Health Department may approve the use of whatever alternative sewage disposal system is deemed appropriate, only under the provisions cited in 410 I.A.C. 6-8.1-31.
(G) No portion of the private sewage disposal system or its associated drainage system shall be constructed upon property other than that from which the sewage originates, unless easements, which grant permission for such construction and access for system maintenance, have been obtained for that property and have been legally approved and recorded by the proper authority or commission.
(H) Any dwelling which is not connected, or cannot be connected to a sanitary sewerage system, and which does not utilize a sanitary privy for its residential sewage disposal system, shall be provided with a residential sewage disposal system which includes a septic tank and a soil absorption system that has not failed.
(Ord. 1992-1, passed 5-6-1992)