(A)   General powers and duties. The Director, subject to the direction and control of the Advisory Council, shall be executive head of the Department and shall have responsibility for the organization, administration and operation of the County Emergency Management Department in a manner consistent with state law. In particular, but not by limitation, the Director, through the Department, may perform or cause to be performed with respect to the county, any function parallel or analogous to those performed on a statewide basis by IDHS under I.C. 10-14-3-1 et seq. The Emergency Management Director’s appointment shall be permanent unless it is terminated for cause by the Advisory Council, with the approval of the Board of Commissioners. Termination “for cause” means termination because the Director is incapable of fulfilling his or her duties; has failed to perform his or her duties; or becomes disqualified because he or she engaged in political activity prohibited under I.C. 10-14-3-6.
   (B)   Specific duties. Subject to the direction and control of the Advisory Council, the Director exercises the following powers and performs the following duties: keep the Advisory Council informed on emergency management activities; keep the Board of Commissioners informed of emergency management activities; assure that the duties and responsibilities of the Emergency Management Department are completed; design and conduct exercises of the Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan as required by IDHS; submit to IDHS the assessment specified in IDHS’s required format and within IDHS’s required time frame for submission; provide to IDHS Director annual reports and documentation as mandated; timely respond to the Chairman of the Advisory Council, as required by law; assure that the activities of the Department at all times comport with I.C. 10-14-3-1 et seq.; develop an emergency operating center (“EOC”) as a site from which key officials can direct and control operations during a disaster or emergency; attend and attain passing grades, in such emergency management training as may be required by IDHS; manage the Department’s various functions, including financial, personnel and logistic matters; be responsible for all training of county employees and rostered volunteers and design and conduct all exercises as required by IDHS; assume responsibility for public relations, information and education; maintain liaison and coordinate with other affected agencies, public and private, as funding permits; and exercise any and all other powers with respect to emergency management that are deemed necessary, incidental or appropriate to implement the provisions of I.C. 10-14-3.
   (C)   Deputy Director. The Deputy Director shall fulfill the duties of the Director in the absence or incapacity of the Director to serve and assist the Director in the performance of Director’s duties.
(Ord. 2013-01, passed 2-19-2013)