(A) For the purpose of this schedule, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
COUNTY EMPLOYEE. All individuals who are paid compensation through the annual salary ordinance adopted by the County Council are deemed to be employees of the county.
VEHICLE. Any device which is capable of moving itself or of being moved from place to place upon wheels.
(B) County employees will be issued a vehicle identification credential by the County Board of Commissioners which is to be displayed on the employee vehicle as directed. Employees are requested to park in the county described parking lot, or at least one block from the County Courthouse. Under no circumstances should an employee use public parking spaces adjacent to the County Courthouse or spaces specifically reserved for emergency vehicles or public official vehicles during normal business hours when the County Courthouse is open for public business. Employee violations of this parking policy shall be considered a Group II offense under the County Personnel Policy Handbook, adopted by the County Board of Commissioners and County Council, effective 1-1-2002.
(C) Parking spaces on streets adjacent to the County Courthouse are restricted to public parking for citizens conducting business at the Courthouse and/or town enterprises.
(D) The Auditor of the county has ordered to publish this schedule pursuant to I.C. 5-3-1 and to circulate a copy of this schedule to county employees.
(E) This schedule shall be in full force and effect upon passage.
(Ord. 2002-03, passed 11-4-2002)