(A)   Purpose.  Before submitting a conditional use application the applicant is strongly encouraged to meet with the township staff to determine the requirements of and the procedural steps and timing of the application. The intent of this process is for the applicant to obtain necessary information and guidance from the township staff before entering into any commitments or incurring substantial expenses with regard to the site and plan preparation. In addition, a preliminary determination will be made regarding the need for land development plan review by the Planning Commission.
   (B)   Process. A pre-application conference is voluntary on the part of the applicant and shall not be deemed the beginning of the time period for review as prescribed by law. The pre-application conferences are intended for the benefit of the applicant in order to address the required permit submittals and are advisory only, and shall not bind the township to approve any application for a permit or to act within any time limit relative to the date of such conference.
(Ord. 3-2011, passed 2-6-2012)