Individual mobile homes, not a part of a mobile home park, that are installed where permitted on private land as single-family residential dwellings shall comply with all regulations for conventional dwelling houses with respect to size, setback and side lines of the district in which it will be sited, and shall meet the following additional requirements.
   (A)   The mobile home shall be installed to conform with all front yard, side yard and rear yard setback lines applicable to housing in the district.
   (B)   The mobile home shall be installed upon, and securely fastened to, a frost-free basement, permanent footer or comparable stable and secure base as approved by the Township Supervisors.
   (C)   An enclosure (skirting) of compatible design and material shall be erected around the entire base of any mobile home installation when the base (as required in division (B) above) does not completely enclose open spaces between the bottom of the mobile home structure and the ground level below said structure. Said enclosures shall provide for sufficient ventilation to inhibit decay and deterioration of the structure and to deter habitation by vermin.
   (D)   The owner shall provide a potable water supply and shall provide a sewage disposal system which meets all standards of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection.
(2003 Code, § 170-60)  (Ord. 2-93, passed 5-4-1993)