(A)   Land shall be suited to the purposes for which it is to be subdivided or developed.
   (B)   Land which is unsuitable for development because of hazards to life, safety, health or property shall not be subdivided or developed until such hazards have been eliminated or unless adequate safeguards against such hazards are provided for in the subdivision plan. Land included as having unsuitable characteristics would be the following:
      (1)   Land subject to flooding or which has a high groundwater table;
      (2)   Land which, if developed, will create or aggravate a flooding condition upon other land;
      (3)   Land subject to subsidence;
      (4)   Land containing significant areas of slopes greater than 15%;
      (5)   Land which, because of topography or means of access, is considered hazardous by the Township Board of Supervisors; and
      (6)   Land which is subject to ground pollution or contamination.
   (C)   Proposed subdivisions of land developments shall be coordinated with existing nearby neighborhoods so that the community as a whole may develop harmoniously.
   (D)   Proposed land uses shall conform to Chapter 153, Zoning.
(2003 Code, § 146-19)  (Ord. 2-96, passed 7-5-1996)