§ 112.04  DEFINITIONS.
   For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   FELLING. The act of cutting a standing tree so that it falls to the ground.
   FORESTRY. The management of forests and timberlands when practiced in accordance with accepted silvicultural principles, through developing, cultivating, harvesting, transporting and selling trees for commercial purposes, which does not involve any land development.
   LANDING. A place where logs, pulpwood or firewood are assembled for transportation to processing facilities.
   LANDOWNER. An individual, partnership, company, firm, association or corporation that is in actual control of forest land, whether such control is based on legal or equitable title, or any other interest entitling the holder to sell or otherwise dispose of any or all of the timber on such land in any manner, and any agents thereof acting on their behalf, such as forestry consultants, who set up and administer timber harvesting.
   LITTER. Discarded items not naturally occurring on the site such as tires, oilcans, equipment parts and other rubbish.
   LOP. To cut tops and slash into smaller pieces to allow material to settle close to the ground.
   OPERATOR. An individual, partnership, company, firm, association or corporation engaged in timber harvesting, including the agents, subcontractors and employees thereof.
   PRE-COMMERCIAL TIMBER STAND IMPROVEMENT. A forest practice, such as thinning or pruning, which results in better growth, structure, species composition or health for the residual stand but which does not yield a net income to the landowner, usually because any trees cut are of poor quality, too small or otherwise of limited marketability or value.
   SKIDDING. Dragging trees on the ground from the stump to the landing by any means.
   SLASH. Woody debris left in the woods after logging, including logs, chunks, bark, branches, uprooted stumps, and broken or uprooted trees or shrubs.
   STAND. Any area of forest vegetation whose site conditions, past history and current species composition are sufficiently uniform to be managed as a unit.
   STREAM. Any natural or artificial channel of conveyance for surface water with an annual or intermittent flow within a defined bed and bank.
   TIMBER HARVESTING, TREE HARVESTING or LOGGING. The part of forestry involving cutting down trees and removing logs from the forest for the primary purpose of sale or commercial processing into wood products.
   TOP. The upper portion of a felled tree that is not merchantable because of small size, taper or defect.
   TOWNSHIP STAFF. The Board of Supervisors, Planning Commission, Code Enforcement Officer and any other authorized agent of the township.
   WETLAND. Areas that are inundated or saturated by surface or groundwater at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under normal circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions including swamps, marshes, bogs and similar areas.
(2003 Code, § 110-4)  (Ord. 1-2012, passed 6-4-2012)