The Union shall elect two committeemen from the membership employed by the city and notify the employer of the names of the committee.
   (A)   If any employee has any grievance arising from the administration of this agreement, an earnest effort shall be made to eliminate the cause for grievance immediately. A grievance shall first be taken up with the Department Manager by the aggrieved employee verbally for settlement.
   (B)   If the grievance is not settled satisfactorily verbally, it shall then be put in writing and the grievance discussed between the committee and the Department Manager and a written answer made within three working days.
   (C)   If this procedure fails to produce a satisfactory settlement; the grievance shall be presented further between the Department Manager, committeemen and the Business Agent of the Union.
   (D)   If the above does not produce a satisfactory settlement within two business days, the grievance shall then be presented to the City Council by committeemen and Business Agent of the Union for a decision at the next regular meeting following the previous steps of the grievance procedure.
   (E)   (1)   If the above fails, it shall be submitted to arbitration. Three arbitrators shall be selected as follows:
         (a)   One by the employer;
         (b)   One by the Union; and
         (c)   One by the arbitrators already selected in accordance with (a) and (b) above.
      (2)   The arbitrators’ decision shall be final and binding on all parties. The cost of arbitration shall be paid one-half by the Union and one-half by the employer.
(’85 Code, § 9-7-13) (Ord. 12-1984, passed 12-14-1982)