(A)   Before any person begins the operation of a market-house, market-place, or store for the purpose of retailing or wholesaling, the person shall make application to the City Council for a license authorizing the person to operate the business at retail or wholesale, setting forth:
      (1)   The name(s) and address(es) of the owner if a sole proprietorship, the partners if a co-partnership, or the resident agent for service of process and principal officers if a corporation;
      (2)   A listing of the names and locations of any other wholesale or retail merchandising businesses currently or previously owned or operated by any of the above named persons;
      (3)   A statement as to whether any of the above named persons have ever been convicted in any criminal or civil action involving the illegal, fraudulent, or unscrupulous operation of a wholesale or retail merchandising establishment, and if so, a description of the nature and circumstances of the conviction;
      (4)   The trade name under which the proposed establishment will operate;
      (5)   The nature of the business to be operated by retail or wholesale, with a description of the building, and location of the business to be established; and
      (6)   Any other information which the City Council may require either on a prescribed application form or by specific request.
   (B)   The application shall be filed with the Clerk-Treasurer for review by the City Council, and shall be accompanied by an application fee of $50, one-half of which shall be refunded only if the application is denied. It shall be unlawful for any person to knowingly submit any false or incomplete information on the application, and any license granted pursuant to an application found to contain false or incomplete information shall thereby be deemed invalidated.
(1985 Code, § 3-4-2) (Ord. 1-1947, passed 6-10-1947; Ord. 6A-1984, passed - -1984) Penalty, see § 10.99