(A)   (1)   The Clerk-Treasurer is the fiscal officer of the city, who has the powers and duties set forth in I.C. 36-4-10 et seq. and other state statutes specifically conveying authority and responsibilities on the city’s fiscal officer.
      (2)   In order to fulfill the responsibilities of the office, the Clerk-Treasurer shall maintain city records at a city office facility with regular hours open to the public. If the Council employs the Clerk-Treasurer to be responsible for the billing and collection of municipal utility rates and charges, the city records shall be maintained at the same office facility as the utility billing records and the Council shall determine the hours this office shall be open to the public.
      (3)   Subject to the necessary authorization in the city’s salary ordinance and Council’s appropriation of sufficient monies, the Clerk-Treasurer may appoint a deputy or deputies to work under the exclusive direction of the Clerk-Treasurer and to serve at the pleasure of the Clerk-Treasurer, consistent with all applicable federal and state laws. Subject to Council authorization, the Clerk-Treasurer shall hire all employees who are responsible for the billing and collection of utility rates and charges.
   (B)   The City Plan Commission shall have those powers and duties provided to advisory plan commissions under I.C. 36-7-4 et seq., with the members of the Commission appointed in accordance with that statute. The Plan Commission shall also serve as the Building Authority of the city for the purpose of overseeing the administration and enforcement of the city’s building regulations. The City Council shall appoint the City Building Commissioner, who shall be responsible for enforcing the city’s building regulations.
   (C)   The Board of Zoning Appeals shall have those powers and duties provided to boards of zoning appeals under the advisory planning law of I.C. 36-7-4, with five members appointed in accordance with that statute.
   (D)   The Economic Development Commission, with three members appointed in accordance with I.C. 36-7-12 et seq., shall have those powers and duties provided to economic development commissions and to departments of economic development by that statute.
   (E)   The Redevelopment Commission, with five members appointed in accordance with I.C. 36-7-14 et seq., shall have those powers and duties provided to redevelopment commissions and departments of redevelopment by that statute.
   (F)   The Housing Authority, with five Commissioners appointed in accordance with I.C. 36-7-18 et seq., shall have all powers and duties provided to housing authorities under that statute.
   (G)   The Police Pension Board of Trustees shall be responsible for performing certain duties prescribed by I.C. 36-8-6 et seq. (1925 Fund) and I.C. 36-8-8 et seq. (1977 Fund) concerning the statutory pensions of city police, with the Trustees appointed in accordance with these statutes.
   (H)   The Firefighters’ Pension Board of Trustees shall be responsible for performing certain duties prescribed by I.C. 36-8-7 et seq. (1937 Fund) and I.C. 36-8-8 (1977 Fund), concerning the statutory pensions of city firefighters, with the Trustees appointed in accordance with these statutes.
(Ord. 3-1996, passed 5-15-1996)