When the text of any materials are incorporated into and made a substantive part of any provision of this code or a supplementary ordinance by reference, rather than being directly set forth, the materials are declared to be and are made public documents, and two copies of each complete document or of that portion thereof so incorporated by reference shall be kept on file in the office of the Clerk-Treasurer and made available for public inspection and copying in the same manner as other public documents. However, this requirement does not apply to instances where a statute or similar law or written regulation, already being a promulgated public document, is cited or referenced merely for the purpose of establishing legal basis or authority, legal procedure, or legal precedent incident to the implementation or administration of a provision of this code; nor to instances where some such document or portion thereof is not incorporated as an actual substantive part of the provision, but is cited or referred to merely for the purpose of establishing administrative guidelines, standards, or procedures incidental to the administration of the substantive parts of the provision.
(1985 Code, § 1-2-6)