A.   Composition and Term. The Civil Service Commission shall consist of three (3) members, appointed for staggered terms of six (6) years or until their successors have been appointed.
   The members of the Civil Service Commission shall be appointed as follows. One (1) member shall be appointed by the Mayor, one (1) member shall be appointed by Council, and one (1) member shall be appointed by the Green Local Board of Education. If the Board of Education shall fail to make its appointment within thirty (30) days after written notification by the Clerk of Council, the Mayor shall make that appointment. Members of the Civil Service Commission shall be persons of recognized competence in personnel administration, public administration, labor relations, law, or a relevant field.
   B.   Powers and Duties. The Civil Service Commission shall provide by written rule for the ascertainment of merit and fitness as the basis for appointment and promotion in the service of the City, and for appeals from actions of transfer, reduction, or removal of classified personnel under the civil service provisions.
   Except as provided in collective bargaining agreements with the City, which agreements shall govern in event of conflict with the Civil Service Commission rules and regulations, the municipal Civil Service Commission shall prescribe, amend and enforce rules and regulations for the classification of positions, removals, transfers, layoffs, suspensions, reductions and reinstatements, and for standardizing efficiency in the Civil Service of the City of Green.
   The Civil Service Commission shall provide for examinations and resignations and for appointments, and promotions within the classified civil service. The Civil Service Commission may adopt rules and regulations that establish standards, examination rules and credits, and procedures for appointments and promotions within the classified civil service that differ from those established by the Ohio Revised Code as long as such rules and regulations are reviewed and approved by City Council.
(Amended November 6, 2012)
   C.   Classification of Service. All compensated positions in the service of the City shall be in the classified service and shall be appointed pursuant to competitive examination, except the following, which shall comprise the unclassified service of the City:
   The Mayor and Council members; and
      1.   All administrative department directors; and
      2.   Members of all City boards and commissions; and
      3.   Members of any auxiliary police force or unit, and volunteer or part-time members of any fire force or division; and
      4.   Consultants and others engaged to provide services as independent contractors; and
      5.   Temporary employees who are employed for not more than one hundred eighty (180) days continuously, nor more than one hundred eighty (180) days in a twelve (12) month period; and
      6.   The Clerk of Council, other employees of Council, and the secretary of each City board or commission established by this Charter or by ordinance, provided that if such Clerk, employee, or secretary shall hold other employment within the classified service of the City. This section shall not exempt such person from the requirement of competitive examination to hold such other employment.
   Except as otherwise provided by this Charter, Council may pursuant to Section 6.2., determine which additional administrative positions shall be considered classified or unclassified.
(Amended November 3, 1998)