All persons appointed to any city board or commission must be qualified electors of the City.
   No voting member of a City board or commission shall be an elected or appointed official, officer, or employee of the City.
   Members of the City boards and commissions shall serve without compensation unless expressly provided for by other provisions of this Charter or by ordinance of Council. Reimbursement for expenses incurred by the members of City boards and commissions in the performance of their duties shall be permitted.
   Members of each City board or commission may serve multiple terms.
   Each City board or commission shall appoint a secretary who shall prepare minutes of each meeting and shall provide copies of same to the Mayor and President of Council and for public posting at the City administrative offices. Each city board or commission shall adopt written operating rules and regulations subject to approval or revision by a simple majority vote of the members of Council and shall keep a complete journal of its proceedings.
   At the first meeting of each year, each City board or commission shall select a Chairperson from its appointed members who shall serve for one (1) year. A member may serve multiple terms as Chairperson.
   A vacancy during the term of any City board or commission member shall be filled for the remaining unexpired term in the same manner as that vacated member’s original appointment.