Flood Tolerance* | Shade Tolerance ** | Common Name |
Flood Tolerance* | Shade Tolerance ** | Common Name | |||||
High Flood Tolerance | |||||||
Aronia arbutifolia | 3 | Red chokeberry | |||||
Aronia melanocarpa | 3 | Black chokeberry | |||||
Cephalanthus occidentalis | 5 | Common buttonbush | |||||
Clethra alnifolia | 2 | Summersweet clethra *** | |||||
Cornus amomum | 4 | Silky dogwood | |||||
Cornus stolonifera (sericea) | 5 | Redosier dogwood | |||||
Hamamelis vernalis | 3 | Vernal witchhazel *** | |||||
Ilex decidua | 3 | Possumhaw *** | |||||
Ilex glabra | 2 | Inkberry *** | |||||
Ilex verticillata | 3 | Common winterberry | |||||
Itea virginica | 1 | Virginia sweetspire *** | |||||
Magnolia virginiana | 2 | Sweetbay magnolia *** | |||||
Myrica pensylvanica | 4 | Northern bayberry | |||||
Parthenocissus quinquefolia | 1 | Virginia creeper (vine) | |||||
Physocarpus opulifolius | 4 | Common ninebark | |||||
Potentilla fruticosa | 4 | Bush cinquefoil | |||||
Sambucus canadensis | 1 | American elderberry | |||||
Salix x cotteti | 5 | Bankers willow *** | |||||
Salix exigua | 5 | Sandbar willow | |||||
Salix purpurea | 5 | Streamco willow *** | |||||
Viburnum cassinoides | 2 | Witherod viburnum | |||||
Moderate Flood Tolerance* | |||||||
Calycanthus floridus | 1 | Common sweetshrub | |||||
Hypericum kalmianurn | 5 | Kalm St. John’s wort | |||||
Viburnum dentatum | 2 | Arrowwood viburnum | |||||
Xanthorhiza simplicissima | 1 | Yellowroot *** | |||||
Intermediate Flood Tolerance* | |||||||
Aesculus pavia | 2 | Red buckeye *** | |||||
Aesculus parviflora | 2 | Bottlebush buckeye *** | |||||
Campsis radicans | 3 | Trumpetcreeper (vine) | |||||
Cornus racemosa | 2 | Gray dogwood | |||||
Corylus americana | 2 | American filbert | |||||
Diervilla lonicera | 1 | Dwarf bushhoneysuckle | |||||
Fothergilla gardeni | 1 | Dwarf fothergilla *** | |||||
Fothergilla major | 1 | Large fothergilla *** | |||||
Hydrangea quericifolia | 1 | Oakleaf hydrangea *** | |||||
Hydrangea arborescens | 1 | Smooth hydrangea | |||||
Lindera benzoin | 1 | Common spicebush | |||||
Lonicera dioica | 2 | Limber honeysuckle (vine) | |||||
Mahonia aquifolium | 1 | Oregongrape holly *** | |||||
Rosa carolina | 4 | Carolina rose | |||||
Rosa setigera | 4 | Prairie rose | |||||
Rubus odoratus | 1 | Fragrant thimbleberry | |||||
Vaccinium stamineum | 2 | Common deerberry | |||||
Low Flood Tolerance* | |||||||
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi | 4 | Bearberry | |||||
Cornus rogusa | 1 | Roundleaf dogwood | |||||
Corylus americana | 2 | American filbert | |||||
Diervilla lonicera | 1 | Dwarf bushhoneysuckle | |||||
Fothergilla gardeni | 1 | Dwarf fothergilla *** | |||||
Fothergilla major | 1 | Large fothergilla *** | |||||
Hydrangea arborescens | 1 | Smooth hydrangea | |||||
Hydrangea quericifolia | 1 | Oakleaf hydrangea *** | |||||
Mahonia aquifolium | 1 | Oregongrape holly *** | |||||
Rosa carolina | 4 | Carolina rose | |||||
Rubus odoratus | 1 | Fragrant thimbleberry | |||||
Symphoricarpos albus | 1 | Common snowberry | |||||
Vaccinium stamineum | 2 | Common deerberry | |||||
No Flood Tolerance* | |||||||
Amorpha canescens | 5 | Leadplant *** | |||||
Ceanothus americanus | 3 | New Jersey tea | |||||
Comptonia peregrina | 2 | Sweetfern | |||||
Dirca palustris | 1 | Leatherwood | |||||
Hypericum frondosum | 5 | Golden St. John’s wort | |||||
Juniperus communis | 5 | Common juniper | |||||
Juniperus horizontalis | 5 | Creeping juniper *** | |||||
Rhus aromatica | 5 | Fragrant sumac | |||||
Sambucus pubens | 1 | Scarlet elder | |||||
Symphoricarpos albus | 1 | Common snowberry | |||||
*High flood tolerance: Generally lowland wet species surviving when flooded or exposed to high water table more than 40% of the growing season | |||||||
*Moderate flood tolerance: Generally lowland wet species surviving when flooded or exposed to high water table more than 30% of the growing season but less than 40% | |||||||
*Intermediate flood tolerance: Generally lowland wet-mesic species surviving occasional inundation or elevated water table between 20% and 30% of the growing season | |||||||
*Low flood tolerance: Generally upland mesic and mesic-dry species rarely inundated or exposed to an elevated water table for periods of short duration, between 5% and 20% of the growing season | |||||||
*No flood tolerance: Generally upland dry species exhibiting immediate and rapid decline frequently culminating in death if inundated or exposed to elevated water table for more than 5% of the growing season | |||||||
Table 1224-1: Summary Table of Development Review Procedures | |||||||
H = Public Hearing Required M = Public MeetingR = Review and Recommendation D = Decision | |||||||
Appeals | 157.055 | H-D[3] | |||||
Certificate of use and compliance | 157.057 | D | |||||
Conditional use permit | 157.052 | H-DR | |||||
Land disturbance permit | 157053 | R-D | |||||
Major subdivision - preliminary plan | 157.050 | M-DR | |||||
Major subdivision - final plat | 157.050 | M-DM-RR | |||||
Minor subdivision | 157.049 | M-D [1]R-DR [2] | |||||
Site plan review (including all freestanding signs) | 157.051 | M-DRR | |||||
Text or map amendment | 157.048 | H-DM-RR | |||||
Variance - general | 157.054 | H-DR | |||||
Variance of land development standards (major subdivisions) | 157.050(16) | H-DR | |||||
Zoning permit | 157.056 | D | |||||
[1] The PZC shall review and decide on minor subdivisions upon referral from the Planning Director, otherwise the Planning Department may authorize minor subdivisions in compliance with this Code. [2] The Zoning Division shall provide a secondary signature on minor subdivisions. [3] The Zoning Division, or the department whose decision is being appealed, shall provide all information related to the appealed decision as part of the record. | |||||||
(Prior Code, § 1224.02) (Ord. 2009-21, passed 10-27-2009)