(A)   No person shall allow litter to accumulate upon real property, of which the person charged is the owner or tenant in control, in such a manner as to constitute a public nuisance or in such a manner that the litter may be blown or otherwise carried by the natural elements on to the real property of another person.
(ILCS Ch. 415, Act 105, § 6)
   (B)   (1)   Any person convicted of a violation of this section shall be fined not less than $10 nor more than $750.
      (2)   An individual convicted of violating this section by disposing of litter upon a public highway may, in addition to any other penalty, be required to maintain litter control for 30 days over a designated portion of that highway, including, at the discretion of the agency having jurisdiction over the section of highway in question, at the site where the offense occurred, as provided in ILCS Ch. 605, Act 120, § 50.
(ILCS Ch. 415, Act 105, § 8(a), (d))