(A)   All employees of the license holder must refrain from consuming alcoholic beverages while working at the licensed premises. This restriction applies without exception, including bartenders, barmaids and security representatives. All employees of the license holder are subject to alcoholic breath samples (PBT) requested by the Grayville Police Department.
   (B)   All outside beer gardens or gated areas where the consumption of alcoholic beverages is allowed, shall be locked from within, and secured during all hours of operations. Such areas must have approved non-transparent fencing, such that patrons are not visible to the public at large.
   (C)   License holders shall be responsible for reimbursing the city for all costs incurred in police officer overtime, resulting from efforts to resolve disturbances arising at the licensed premises. All license holders, officers, directors, and employees must be respectful and cooperative with Grayville police officers while such officers are conducting official police business.
(Ord. 812, passed 2-8-16) Penalty, see § 111.99