(A)   Written applications for renewal of license in the form prescribed by the City Council with proof of insurance as prescribed in this chapter shall be filed with the City Clerk on or before the second Monday of June. The Clerk shall report all the names of all applicants for renewals of licenses to the City Council at a meeting to be called by the Mayor within ten days after the second Monday of June, together with the location of the places of business of such license, and whether or not any written complaint has been filed as to the manner in which the applicant for such renewal of a license has been carried on the business authorized thereby, or protest against the renewal thereof, setting forth the grounds of protest. Applicants for the renewal of an existing license who are qualified to receive a license, shall have preference over applicants for a new license.
   (B)   All applications for renewal of license shall be referred by the City Clerk to the City Council acting as the Liquor Control Commission, for rejection or approval, as in the case of applications for original licenses.
   (C)   An application for renewal of any license upon its expiration shall not be granted if written complaint has been filed with the City Clerk or City Council as to the manner in which the applicant for such renewal has carried on the business authorized by such license, or if a protest as hereinbefore provided has been filed, until hearing has been had on such complaint by the Liquor Control Commission for the approval or rejection of such application for renewal. If a complaint or protest, as in this chapter provided, is filed against the renewal of any license, the City Council acting as Liquor Control Commission shall within ten days after the date when applications for renewal are required to be filed, conduct a hearing after reasonable notice to the applicant at which the complainant and the applicant, and such evidence as the Commission may desire, may be heard and considered. The granting or rejection of a license after such hearing shall be determined by the Commission and its decision shall be final.
   (D)   The renewal of any license may be denied by the Liquor Control Commission with or without cause for the purpose of decreasing the number of any class of licenses theretofore granted by the city.
(Ord. 514, passed 7-20-92)
   (E)   As a condition to license renewal, licensees shall provide proof that bar tenders and servers of alcohol have received certification from the TIPS alcohol training program.
(Ord. 746, passed 2-14-11)