The following ordinances (by number and date) have as their subject personnel matters as enacted by the city:
Ord. No.   Date   Subject
16-1981   8-17-81   Fixing compensation of the Utility Clerk and Assistant Clerk.
5-1982   3-3-82   Fixing compensation of employees of the Police Department, Street Department and Utilities Department in accordance with the personnel and pay classification plan.
2-1983   3-1-83   Creating position of water plant operator.
4-1984   2-7-84   Amending Ord. 5-1982 deleting position of sergeant and providing number of part-time patrolmen.
6-1984   7-11-84   Creating position of legal advisor.
7-1985   11-23-85   Establishing position of city mechanic.
11-1986   9-13-86   Amending Ord. 5-1982 and Ord. 4-1984 reinstituting the position of sergeant of the police department and increasing number of patrolmen.
3-1988   2-26-88   Amending Ord. 11-1986 increasing number of sergeants of the police department and providing for the number of patrolmen.
6-1988   5-3-88   Amending Ord. 3-1988 providing for employment of patrolmen.
14-1988   7-15-88   Amending Ord. 16-1981 to provide for two Assistant Clerks.
1-1994   1-13-94   Amending Ord. 11-1986 creating the position of Assistant Chief of Police.
17-1995   11-7-95   Establishing the position of City Police Clerk.
2-1996   2-12-96   Amending Ord. 17-1995 establishing the position of City Police Clerk.
8-1996   5-7-96   Amending Ord. 1-1994 creating position of Assistant Chief of Police.
7-2001   7-3-01   Prohibiting nepotism, establishing random drug testing, requiring approval for outside employment, providing for personal days, setting reimbursement rate for automobile expenses and creating the position of permanent part-time clerk.
3-2008   2-25-08   Authorizing and directing the city to participate in the County Employees Retirement system.
- -   3-12-08   Authorizing contract for health care insurance coverage with the Department for Employee Insurance and the city.
Res. 1-2009   1-13-09   Supporting county employee retirement systems reform.