§ 50.001   DEFINITIONS
   For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context indicates or clearly requires a different meaning.
   “AUTOMOBILE PARTS.” Any portion or parts of any motor driven vehicle as detached from the vehicle as a whole.
   “INOPERATIVE CONDITION.” Unable to move under its own power due to defective or missing parts, and which has remained in such condition for a period of not less than ten (10) consecutive days.
   “MOTOR VEHICLE.” Any style or type of motor driven vehicle used for the conveyance of a person or persons and property.
   “NUISANCE.” Any act that injuriously affects the safety, health, or morals of the public, or works some substantial annoyance, inconvenience, or injury to the public, or is prejudicial to the health, comfort, safety, property, sense of decency, or morals of the citizens at large resulting either from:
   (A)   An act not warranted by law; or
   (B)   A neglect of duty imposed by law.
Any public nuisance shall be included in this definition. In addition, those offenses which are known to the common law and statutes of Kentucky as nuisances or public nuisances may be treated as such and proceeded against as is provided in this chapter or in accordance with any other provision of law.
   “PERSON.” Any natural person, corporation, trust, partnership, incorporated or unincorporated association or other legal entity.
   “SCRAP METAL.” Pieces or parts of steel, iron, tin, zinc, copper, aluminum, or any alloy thereof, or any other metallic substance, whether covered with porcelain or any other material, whether intact or in parts, which has served its usefulness in its original form and is no longer being used for its originally intended or other bona fide purpose.
   “UNFIT FOR FURTHER USE.” In a dangerous or unreasonably dilapidated condition; having defective or missing parts; or in such a condition generally as to be unfit for further use.
(Ord. 1010.3, passed 5-4-76; Am. Ord. 6-1999, passed 6-21-99; Am. Ord. 8-2001, passed 8-14-01; Am. Ord. 1-2003, passed 1-7-03)