(A)   The owner/operator of a motor vehicle that has been involved in an accident and is inoperable and is causing a traffic hazard shall be given the opportunity to give a preference as to the choice of towing service, and the location at which the vehicle is to be towed, all at the owner’s expense. In the event the owner/operator is injured and is otherwise unable to give a preference on a towing service, the police shall cause the calling of the towing service at the top of the eligibility roster. The nearest relative of the injured person at the scene, shall have the next option of designating the towing service. Provided, however, the vehicle will be impounded if no relative is present at the scene. When the owner/operator has no preference then the police officer shall call the towing service that appears next on the eligibility roster.
   (B)   When a vehicle is being towed by the police for a violation of the provisions of this division relative to abandoned or junk vehicles, the owner (when known) shall not be given a choice of towing service companies.
   (C)   The police department of the city shall diligently attempt to determine ownership of each vehicle towed within the city and notify the owner when possible that the vehicle has been towed. A record shall be maintained by the Grayson Police Department for a period of one (1) year for those towed vehicles, except for those vehicles towed after becoming disabled as a result of a traffic accident.
   (D)   A representative of any organization, agency, firm, or person that has a vehicle towed from any location within the city for purposes of impoundment or lawful repossession shall notify the Grayson Police Department within two (2) hours of the towing and shall provide make, model, license number, and other pertinent information to assist the police in identifying the vehicle and ownership.
(Ord. 2-2007, passed 5-14-07; Am. Ord. 04-2009, passed 7-30-09)