(A)   Commercially or industrial zoned property, which has properly applied for and been granted by the Louisville Metro Zoning Authority the right to locate temporary storage on the site, is exempt from this chapter as it relates to storage units. This exemption is utterly conditional on full compliance with the General Development/Detailed Development Plan for the site; binding elements, and current regulation of such items in the Metro Louisville Zoning Regulations.
   (B)   Commercial, office or multi-family zoned property whose garbage pickup is through a permanent dumpster pickup is exempt from this chapter, as it relates to dumpster units. This exemption is utterly conditional on full compliance with the General Development/Detailed Development Plan for the site; binding elements, and current regulation of such items in the Metro Louisville Zoning Regulations.
   (C)   In the case of emergencies, such as floods, wind storms, fires or other acts of God, or man-made disasters, the Mayor shall be allowed to suspend the enforcement of this chapter as to the city as a whole, or areas of the city, for a time period appropriate for the community to deal with such emergency conditions.
   (D)   Due to the physical requirements of construction, or re-construction of buildings and houses, special rules shall govern the both temporary storage units and dumpsters at construction or re-construction sites. On any site on which a building permit is to be issued, prior to the city issuing a letter of compliance, the applicant shall submit all information required under §§ 96.02(A) and (B) of this chapter, however, the Mayor is authorized to extend the time the units may remain on site, the number of units allowed and the locations they may be placed. This decision shall be made with due regard to the physical limitation of the work to be accomplished on the site, on a case-by-case basis.
(Ord. G-D5, Series 2007-2008, passed 10-23-07)