For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   ASTM. The American Society for Testing Materials.
   BOD or BIOCHEMICAL OXYGEN DEMAND. The quantity of oxygen used in the biochemical oxidation of a given amount of organic matter under standard laboratory procedure in five days at 20°C, expressed in milligrams per liter.
   BUILDING SEWER. The extension from a building wastewater plumbing facility to the public wastewater facility.
   COD or CHEMICAL OXYGEN DEMAND. A measure of the oxygen-consuming capacity of inorganic and organic matter present in water or wastewater, expressed as the amount of oxygen consumed from a chemical oxidant in a specified test. It does not differentiate between stable and unstable organic matter, and thus does not necessarily correlate with biochemical oxygen demand.
   COMMERCIAL USER. Any premises not within the definition of “residential user” or “industrial user” and which is connected to the village’s wastewater facilities.
   DNR. This state’s Department of Natural Resources.
   EGLA. This state’s Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy.
   GPD. Gallons per day.
   INDUSTRIAL USER. Any premises whose use is categorized or identified in Division A, B, D, E or I of the Standard Industrial Classification Manual or which discharges wastewater containing any substance which causes interference in the wastewater facilities.
   mg/l or MILLIGRAMS PER LITER. An expression of the relationship of mass of a substance to the volume of the solution it is in, independent of the specific gravity.
   NATURAL OUTLET. Any outlet into a watercourse, pond, ditch, lake or any other body of surface or groundwater.
   NPDES. The National pollutant discharge elimination system permit program, whether administered by the EPA or by this state.
   OWNER. The person or persons who legally own, lease or occupy private property with facilities that discharge to the village’s wastewater facilities.
   PERSON. Any individual, firm, company, association, society, partnership, corporation, public entity or other similar organization, agency or group.
   pH. The logarithm of the reciprocal of the hydrogen ion concentration expressed in grams per liter of solution, as determined by Standard Methods.
   PREMISES. Each lot or parcel of land and each building which has any connection to the water distribution system or the wastewater facilities of the village.
   RESIDENTIAL USER. Any premises consisting of a single-unit, duplex or multiple-unit dwelling used only for human residency and which is connected to the village’s water or wastewater facilities.
   SLUG DISCHARGE. Any introduction into the village’s wastewater facilities of waste or wastewater in concentrations of any given constituent or in quantity of flow which adversely affects the operation and performance of the wastewater facilities.
   SS or SUSPENDED SOLIDS. The total suspended matter that either floats on the surface of, or is in suspension in, water or wastewater, as determined by Standard Methods.
   STORM SEWER. A pipe or conduit that conveys stormwater runoff and other waters which are not intended to be transported to a wastewater treatment facility.
   SUPERVISOR. The President of the village, or where the President has delegated a responsibility or right under this subchapter to another official or employee of the village, the term shall include that person.
   TOC or TOTAL ORGANIC CARBON. A measurement of the organic chemicals present in water or wastewater, expressed in milligrams per liter, as the amount of organic carbon oxidized under specified conditions.
   UNPOLLUTED WATER. Water of a quality and characteristics that it would not be benefitted by discharge to the wastewater treatment facilities or that it would not cause any degradation of water quality by direct discharge to a receiving water.
   VILLAGE. The Village of Grass Lake, Michigan, a municipal corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Michigan.
   WASTEWATER. A combination of liquid and water-carried wastes from residences, commercial buildings, industries and institutions, together with any groundwater, surface water or stormwater that may be present.
      (1)   The wastewater sewers, including sanitary sewers, storm sewers and combined sewers, lift stations and pumping stations; and
      (2)   The wastewater treatment plant, including its structures, processes and equipment necessary for treatment and discharge of wastewater of the village.
   WASTEWATER SERVICES. The availability or use of the village’s wastewater facilities for discharge by any person or premises of wastewater, as well as any labor and materials provided by the village for the connection of any premises to the village’s wastewater facilities, and for repairs and maintenance by the village to the wastewater facilities or building sewers on any premises, and costs incurred by the village in enforcing the collection of charges for WASTEWATER SERVICE to any person or with respect to any premises.
   WASTEWATER SEWER. The structures, processes, equipment and arrangements necessary to collect and transport wastewater to the treatment facility.
   WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY. The structures, processes, equipment and arrangements necessary to treat and discharge wastewaters.
   WATER SERVICES. The availability or use by any person or premises of the water commodity, as well as labor and materials provided by the village for the connection of any premises to the village’s water distribution system, and for repairs and maintenance by the village to water connections and meters of any premises, and costs incurred by the village in enforcing the collection of charges for water services to any person or with respect to any premises.
   WPCF. The Water Pollution Control Federation.
(Prior Code, § 50.02) (Ord. 21, passed 10-19-1993)