(A)   Establishment of office. In accordance with the authority for the appointment if a deputy village manager granted to the village in the General Law Village Act, Public Act 3 of 1895, being MCL 61.1 et seq., as amended, the office of Deputy Village Manager is established.
   (B)   Appointment. The President shall, with the concurrence of a majority of the Council, appoint a Deputy Village Manager. The Council may enter into an employment contract with the Deputy Village Manager for a period extending beyond the terms of the members of Council but not exceeding six years. An employment contract with the Deputy Manager shall be in writing and shall specify the compensation to be paid to the Deputy Manager, any procedure for changing compensation, any fringe benefits and any other conditions of employment. The contract shall state that the Deputy Manager serves at the pleasure of the Council and that the Deputy Manager may be removed by a majority of the Council. The Deputy Manager shall be selected solely on the basis of administrative and executive abilities, with special reference to training and experience. The first Deputy Manager to be appointed pursuant to this section shall be appointed within 180 days of the date upon which the provisions codified herein shall have become effective.
   (C)   Compensation. The Deputy Village Manager shall receive such compensation as the Council shall determine by resolution or ordinance.
   (D)   Duties.
      (1)   Assisting and advising the Village Manager in the performance of all duties and responsibilities of the office of Village Manager. In the absence of the Village Manager, the Deputy Village Manager shall perform the duties and responsibilities of the office of the Village Manager;
      (2)   Keeping the Village Manager informed of all matters and conditions which have any bearing upon the municipal services or upon the village government;
      (3)   Directing and coordinating the preparation of and all communications being given to the general public and any of the municipal departments;
      (4)   Directing and coordinating the services provided by all departments, units and offices in the village;
      (5)   Coordinating and supervising the preparation and distribution of the Village Board agenda and packet; and
      (6)   Directing and supervising the preparation and administration of the budget, purchasing practices, personnel rules and regulations, contracts, agreements, franchises and ordinances.
(Ord. passed - -)