The Planning and Development Director or designee, shall consider the following factors, and any other relevant information, when evaluating a Solar Energy System application for approval or rejection.
(a) No person shall construct, erect, maintain, extend, or remove a Solar Energy System in any zoning district in the Village without compliance with the provisions of this chapter and applicable related requirements of the Village of Granville Codified Ordinances, and all applicable Construction Codes.
(b) Solar Energy Systems constructed prior to the effective date of this Chapter shall not be required to meet the requirements of this code; unless any physical condition or modification renders such system un-repairable or un-useable. If any pre-existing Solar Energy System is destroyed or damaged to such an extent that it cannot be returned to original service, or any such damage or modification creates an unsafe condition it shall be replaced or removed in conformity with this Chapter.
(c) Expansion of an existing Solar Energy System (e.g., additional Solar Panels) shall be added in conformity with this Chapter, unless such expansion is part of an approved Solar Energy System Project Master Plan. The Village Manager or their designee may waive associated fees when other expansions occur within four (4) years of original installation.
(d) Repair of an existing Solar Energy System previously permitted under this Chapter shall not require an additional application.
(e) Nothing in this regulation shall preclude standalone systems for small accessory lighting, ventilation, or battery storage systems either roof or ground-mounted. In such a case, the cumulative area of the standalone system shall not exceed two (2) square feet. (Ord. 16-2022. Passed 12-7-22.)