(a)    The application shall contain, in addition to the information required by Chapter 1159:
      (1)   Elevation showing the proposed changes.
      (2)   A description of or a sample of materials to be used in the proposed project.
      (3)   Where the proposal is for renovation or modification of an existing structure, the original date of construction of the building, if known.
      (4)   Site plan, including massing and relationships to other structures on the block face.
      (5)   Any other reasonable items deemed necessary by the Planning & Development Department for the purpose of review and approval of the application
   (b)   The applicant may submit photographs, sketches or other material to illustrate the proposed project. The Planning Commission, or the Planning & Development Director, may request such additional information as is deemed necessary to review the application for compliance with this chapter.
   (c)   If the application is submitted in conjunction with an application for new construction, a change in use, or rezoning, the plan review shall occur simultaneously with the architectural review. All applications for architectural review shall be acted upon within thirty days (unless waived by the applicant) from the date the application was received by the Planning & Development Department. The application may be approved as submitted, may be conditionally approved, or may be rejected. (Ord. 03-2023. Passed 1-18-23.)