(a)   Applications shall be subject to Planning Commission review if,
      (1)   The application proposes changes of any type to a contributing structure as outlined in the Granville Multiple Resources Area;
      (2)   The application proposes addition, expansion, renovation, or remodeling of an existing structure that would add an additional 20% of enclosed square footage to the existing structure;
      (3)   The application proposes changes to the architectural style of the structure;
      (4)   The application proposes construction of an accessory structure of 144 square feet or greater; or
      (5)   The application proposes construction of a new primary structure.
   (b)   Those applications not specifically enumerated in section (a) above shall be considered administrative review and approval items. Applications subject to administrative review shall abide by the guidelines for zoning permits as outlined in Chapter 1137 of this Code.
   (c)   During the course of administrative review and approval under subsection (b) above, and if deemed appropriate by the Planning and Development Director, an application may be forwarded to Planning Commission for their review.
(Ord. 03-2023. Passed 1-18-23.)