Any application for site plan review or subdivision review shall be required to file a preliminary and final development plan. The preliminary development plan (PDP) shall be submitted with the preliminary subdivision plat, if applicable. A small site plan, generally held to be a small single-use structure or property of less than one (1) acre, shall not require a PDP by code. However, a PDP may be required if Village Staff feel the site plan is of sufficient complexity that the development would benefit from the additional layer of review.
(a) A PDP shall include, at a minimum, the following:
High-Level Development standards
Lot standards
Proposed typical lot layouts
Proposed architectural style
Preliminary landscape plan
Detail for public amenities such as benches
Proposed parks and open space plan
Preliminary signage plan and detail
Preliminary grading and drainage plan
Proposed ROW cross-sections
Phase I drainage report
Phase I utility report
Phase I geotechnical report, if applicable
Preliminary Plat, if applicable.
(b) An FDP shall include, at a minimum, the following:
Final Development standards or design guidelines
Lot standards
Typical lot layouts
Final Landscape plan
Detail for public amenities such as benches
Signage plan and detail
Architecture guide, to include materials and styles
ROW cross-sections
Parks and open space plan
Grading and drainage plan
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
Phase II drainage report, signed and stamped by an engineer licensed in the state of Ohio
Phase II utility report, signed and stamped by an engineer licensed in the state of Ohio
Phase II geotechnical report, if applicable, signed and stamped by an engineer licensed in the state of Ohio
(c) Approval Process - The PDP shall be approved by Village Council, with recommendation from Planning Commission, in conformance with applicable regulations, unless otherwise stipulated elsewhere in this Code. The FDP shall be reviewed for conformance with the PDP, and other applicable regulations and ordinances, by Planning & Development staff, in conjunction with other reviewing departments and agencies. Village Council shall review the FDP for general conformance with the approved PDP, and shall approve, deny, or approve with conditions. Any substantial deviation from the PDP, as determined by the Planning & Development Director or Village Council, shall require amendment of the PDP. Any such amendment of the PDP shall be reviewed and approved by Council.
(d) Exemptions - Individual site plans in the Suburban Residential District and Village Residential District shall be exempt from this code section. Any individual site plans part of an overall FDP shall also be exempted from this code section.
(Ord. 11-2023. Passed 5-3-23.)