Accessory uses and structures shall only be permitted in association with a principal use or structure. The maximum cumulative size of accessory structures in the Suburban Residential District, Planned Unit Development District, Suburban Business District, Village Gateway District or Village District, including swimming pools, shall not exceed forty percent (40%) of the gross floor area of the primary use (livable area for residential uses), or a 864 square foot footprint for detached garage(s), shed(s) or other storage structures, whichever is less.
(a) The cumulative maximum size of the occupied area of a detached garage(s), shed(s), or other storage structures(s) in a residential zoning district shall not exceed 864 square foot footprint, and shall not exceed a height of thirty (30) feet.
(b) Accessory uses and/or structures within non-residential zoning districts shall not exceed twenty-five percent (25%) of the gross floor area of the primary use.
(c) All accessory structures, including swimming pools and associated decking, shall be constructed within the permitted buildable area of a lot, behind all applicable setback lines, and to the rear or side of the principal structure.
(d) In no case shall an accessory structure or building be located within a recorded easement.
(e) In order to protect property values and encourage neighborhood stability, an accessory building shall have an exterior that is harmonious in appearance to the principal building on the parcel or lot.
(f) The maximum number of accessory buildings on a single lot or parcel shall not exceed two, of which only one may contain more than 144 square feet of gross floor area.
(g) Accessory buildings shall not infringe on sanitary or water systems. The locations of accessory buildings shall comply with all applicable Licking County Health and/or Ohio Environmental Protection Agency regulations.
(h) Accessory buildings shall be appropriately guttered and graded so as not to adversely affect neighboring property owners.
(i) No commercial uses shall be permitted from an accessory building unless otherwise approved as part of a home occupation or commercial/industrial rezoning request.
(Ord. 06-2013. Passed 3-20-13.)