The requirement for separate left and/or right turn lanes on the main roadway at site access points shall be based on the following guidelines:
(a) Left turn lanes shall be provided in accordance with the following conditions:
(1) Per Graph 1, 2, or 3 (the left turn warrant charts) contained in the ODOT State Highway Access Management Manual, or
(2) On major and minor arterial roadways with posted speed limits greater than 40 mph, or
(3) On network collector roadways with posted speed limits greater than 40 mph and more than 10 left turning vehicles during a design hour.
(b) Right turn lanes shall be provided in accordance with Graphs 4, 5, 6, or 7 (the right turn warrant charts) contained in the ODOT State Highway Access Management Manual with the following exceptions:
(1) Right turn lanes are not required for right turn volumes of less than 10 vehicles during a design peak hour.
(2) Right turn lanes are not required when there are less than 200 vehicles (during a design hour) in the approach or curb lane for roadways with more than one approach lane.
(c) Left or right turn lanes may also be required when deemed necessary for safety purposes by Village representatives.
(d) The length of left and right turn lanes shall be based on the criteria contained in the ODOT Location and Design Manual or, where appropriate, on the results of queuing analyses associated with the capacity calculations contained in the applicable traffic impact study.
(Ord. 04-05. Passed 3-2-05.)