The need for either a detailed traffic impact study or a limited traffic operations analysis will be identified when rezoning, variance, or plan approval petitions are filed (or discussed with public officials). The Village may also identify the need for a traffic impact study or operations analysis in response to an access permit application.
   (a)   Study Warrants for a Traffic Impact Study: A complete traffic impact study (TIS) will be requested for any proposed development or redevelopment that meets one or more of the following criteria:
      (1)   Significantly-sized project. A development meets this criterion if it generates more than 10 trip ends (i.e., two-way vehicle-trips) during any one hour of an average weekday. These trip ends shall be calculated using the latest edition of Trip Generation as published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (or upon special studies of unique land-uses as approved by the reviewers).
      (2)   Modifications to roadways. This criterion is met when the proposed development is expected by the reviewers to significantly impact a roadway segment, or roadway segments, identified in the Thoroughfare Plan and/or improvement programs of the Village, Township, County, State, or other jurisdictions. This criterion is also met when access for the proposed development occurs on a public road that may be widened or improved in accordance with adopted Thoroughfare Plans.
      (3)   Nearby congestion. A development meets this criterion if the proposed development is expected, in the opinion of Village staff, to significantly impact surrounding roadways, intersections, or sets of intersections which are already operating at level of service "D" or worse during any hour (on a design day, or days, selected for analysis purposes). The level of service will be determined by an analysis prescribed in the current edition of the Highway Capacity Manual (Transportation Research Board) using data that reflects the current traffic conditions.
      (4)   High traffic impact area. This criterion is met when, in the opinion of Village staff, the proposed development is located in a high traffic impact area. Such reflects special sensitivity to traffic condition changes due to existing congestion, problematic circulation patterns, burgeoning traffic operations problems, or other traffic conditions of special concern. A traffic impact study will be requested for any proposed new development or modifications to existing development within a high traffic impact area.
   (b)   Study Warrants for a Traffic Operations Analysis. A traffic operations analysis will be requested for petitions which do not meet the warrants for a detailed traffic impact study. A traffic operations analysis will be requested for any one of the following conditions:
(1)   Requests for a driveway (or driveway modification) on any public road.
      (2)   Existing sight distance limitations or high accident experience adjacent to the subject site.
      (3)   Modifications to a site plan for an existing development where the parking layout and/or internal circulation system could affect traffic operations on the external roadway system.
      (4)   Requests or probable need for a new traffic signal to control driveways serving a proposed or existing development.
Examples of traffic operations analyses include studies of proposed driveway locations, resulting sight distances, driveway and intersection geometry and control, turn lane needs and design, accommodation of projected queuing conditions, accident experience and safety, and traffic signal warrant and progression analysis.
      (Ord. 05-05. Passed 3-2-05.)