This section sets forth the minimum requirements that shall be met regarding the landscaping for vehicular use areas.
(a) Landscaping at Parking and Service Areas.
Any open parking area of more than four thousand (4,000) square feet in area and/or at least twelve (12) vehicular parking spaces shall be required to have on-site landscaping that may be in the form of islands or peninsulas. On-site landscaping shall encompass at least five percent (5%) of the total area of the parking lot. The preservation of existing plants is encouraged and shall be included in the consideration as to whether minimum landscape requirements have been attained.
(b) Minimum Tree Plantings.
A minimum of one (1) large tree per three thousand (3,000) square feet of ground coverage by structures and vehicular use areas is required.
(c) Vehicle Overhang.
Parked vehicles may not extend into the border of any landscape area. Curbs or wheel stops shall be provided to insure no overhang.
(d) Landscaping for Service Structures.
Service structures shall be screened. For the purpose of this Chapter, “service structures” includes but is not limited to loading docks, waste collections units, utility vaults which extend above the surface and other equipment providing service to a building or a site. Structures may be grouped together; however, screening height shall be one (1) foot more than the tallest of the structures.
(e) Location of Screening.
A continuous hedge planting, fence, wall or earth mound must enclose any service structure on all sides. Any service structure which must be daily moved or serviced shall require screening on all but one (1) side. The height of the screening material shall be one (1) foot more than the height of the structure, but shall not be required to exceed ten (10) feet in height. Whenever a service structure is located next to a building wall or vehicular use area, walls or screening material may fulfill the screening requirement for that side of the service structure if that wall or screening material is of an average height sufficient to meet the height requirement set out in this Chapter. Whenever service structures are screened by plant material, such materials may apply to the fulfillment of required landscaping. The type of screening or combination of screening types is subject to Planning Commission review and approval.
(Ord. 11-06. Passed 9-20-06.)