Subdividers or developers shall plant trees along public streets bordering and within their development in such a manner, type, quantity and location as determined by the Planning Commission. Any undeveloped street or existing street with undeveloped frontage shall conform to the following requirements at the time of the development:
   (a)   The spacing between trees shall be forty (40) feet for large trees, thirty (30) feet for medium trees and twenty (20) feet for small trees. The plans shall be submitted in accordance with Section 1193.10.  
   (b)   The treelawns and tree sizes will match as follows:
Treelawn (feet)
Tree Size
3-6 Feet
6-8 Feet
8 or more Feet
   (c)   The tree location shall be at least thirty (30) feet from street intersections and ten (10) feet from fire hydrants or utility poles.
   (d)   (1)   Developers shall be required to maintain trees for one (1) year after the trees are planted. Should any tree require replacement during this one (1) year period, the replacement period shall start at the date of replacement. Except as provided herein, the replacement period shall not extend beyond two (2) years from the original planting date.
      (2)   Upon completion of a street tree planting, the developer shall contact the Zoning Inspector for a preliminary inspection. The replacement period shall begin after the approval of the Zoning Inspector.
      (3)   The developer shall contact the Zoning Inspector for a final inspection to be made at the end of the replacement period. All trees not exhibiting a healthy, vigorous growing condition, as determined by the Village’s inspection, shall be replaced at the expense of the developer.
      (4)   In the event that the conditions of any trees cannot be ascertained due to the season of the year, the final inspection may, in the discretion of the Zoning Inspector, be deferred until the commencement of the next growing season.
   (e)   The minimum trunk caliper measured at eighteen (18) inches above the ground for all street trees shall be no less than one and three-quarter (1 ¾) inches.
   (f)   The Zoning Inspector shall submit a report to the Tree and Landscape Commission detailing the Inspector’s activities and actions undertaken pursuant to this section.
      (Ord. 11-06. Passed 9-20-06.)