(a)    Permit. As a consequence of the safety hazards created by the improper installation or construction of large systems or towers, the additional support often necessary with such systems and the hazards which may result from the placement of such systems in an otherwise open or unobstructed area, an installation permit issued by the Village Manager or the Manager's designee, shall be required for the erection of all large dish antennas, nonroof mounted small dish antenna and communication towers. An application for such a permit shall contain a scale drawing of the structure or installation, a plat plan showing the structure's proposed size and location in relation to any building, property lines, and rights-of-way, and all other information necessary to fully depict the proposed dish antenna or communication tower. All applications for large dish antenna, nonroof mounted small dish antenna, or communication tower installation permits shall be reviewed by the Zoning Inspector for compliance with these regulations. The following procedures all be used for all applications:
      (1)    An application shall be submitted to the Village Manager, or the Manager's designee, which shall be forwarded to the Zoning Inspector within three business days of receipt. The Zoning Inspector shall issue an installation permit within fourteen days of receipt of the application or issue a written finding to the applicant setting forth the reason or reasons why the application for a permit has been denied. The times set forth in this section may be extended upon written approval of the applicant or for fourteen days by the Zoning Inspector for good cause.
      (2)    The Zoning Inspector may approve, approve with modifications, or deny an application in accordance wit these regulations., No determination of the Zoning Inspector shall be final until issued in writing and served upon the applicant by ordinary mail to be delivered to the address set forth in the application.
      (3)    Any applicant aggrieved by the decision of the Zoning Inspector may appeal to the Board of Zoning and Building Appeals as set forth in Chapter 1139. Further appeal to Council is available and is governed by the procedures set forth in Chapter 1137.
   (b)    Fees. The permit fee shall be established by Council in accordance with Chapter 1305 of the Codified Ordinances
   (c)    Inspection and Maintenance. It shall be the responsibility of the Zoning Inspector, or the Zoning Inspector's designee, to administer and enforce these regulations. Any large dish antenna, nonroof mounted small dish antenna, or communication tower may be inspected at any time to determine its compliance with this chapter, applicable regulations and acceptable safety standards. All dish antennas, whether classified as large or small and regardless of the location or method of installation, and communication towers shall be kept in a state of safety and good repair. If violations are found, the Zoning Inspector shall notify the owner of the violations and of actions required for compliance. Failure to comply within thirty days, unless otherwise extended by the Zoning Inspector shall constitute a violation of this chapter, shall subject the owner of such dish antenna or communication tower to the penalty provided in Section 1137.08 and shall be grounds for the revocation of any permit issued and/or commencement of proceedings to cause removal of the dish antenna or communication tower at the owner's expense.
(Ord. 08-96. Passed 6-19-96; Ord. 11-2018. Passed 10-3-18.)