The following procedures shall govern the application for, and the issuance of, all sign permits under this chapter, and the submission and review of a Master or Common Signage Plan.
(a) Applications. All applications for the sign permits of any kind and for approval of a Master Signage Plan shall be submitted to the Village Planner on an application form with the application specifications and materials as published by the Planning and Zoning Office.
(b) Fees. Each application for a sign permit or for approval of a Master Signage Plan shall be accompanied by the applicable fees, which shall be established by the Village Council from time to time by ordinance.
(c) Completeness. Within seven days of receiving an application for a sign permit or a Master Signage Plan, the Village Planner shall review it for completeness. If the Planner finds that it is complete, the applications shall then be processed. If the Planner finds it incomplete, the Planner shall, within such seven-day period, send the applicant a notice of the specific ways in which the application is deficient, with appropriate reference to the applicable sections of this chapter.
(d) Submission Requirements. The following materials must be included with the completed application forms. Examples are available from the Planning and Zoning Office.
(1) Site plan. A site plan drawn to an appropriate scale which shows the proposed location of the sign as well as all other significant site features such as rights of way, topography, existing vegetation, and adjacent buildings and properties which may be affected by the proposal.
(2) Elevation. An elevation of the proposed sign and its mounting system that includes an accurate rendering of the proposed graphic design, typography, color, and materials used for construction. For window, wall or building signs this drawing should include a complete elevation of the building face on which the sign will be attached.
(e) Action. After processing a complete application, the Village Planner will submit the application to the Planning Commission for review at its next available meeting. This review will be scheduled as the Planning Commission agenda will allow, but action must be taken within forty-five days of the acceptance of the completed application, unless the applicant requests a delay.
(f) Appeal. Any party aggrieved or affected by a decision of the Planning Commission involving a sign application may appeal to Council. The appeal shall follow the procedures established in Chapter 1137
. Such appeal shall be submitted to the Village Clerk no later than ten days after the decision of the Commission is filed with the Village Clerk or sent to the applicant by personal service or ordinary mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, whichever shall last occur.
(Ord. 17-2012. Passed 8-1-12.)