All signs not expressly permitted under this chapter or exempt from regulation in accordance with the previous section are prohibited in the Village. Such signs include, but are not limited to:
   (a)    Beacons.
   (b)    Banners.
   (c)    Pennants.
   (d)   Strings of lights not permanently mounted to a rigid background, except holiday lights exempted under the previous section.
   (e)    Inflatable signs and tethered balloons.
   (f)    Portable signs with internal illumination and changeable copy.
   (g)   Any sign that, by reason of size, location, shape, content, coloring, or manner of illumination, constitutes a traffic hazard or a detriment to traffic safety. Any sign that substantially interferes with the view necessary for motorists to proceed safely through intersections, or to enter onto or exit from public streets, private roads, or driveways. Any sign that obstructs the view of any authorized traffic sign, signal, or device.
   (h)   Any sign that uses the words "STOP", "SLOW", "CAUTION", "DANGER", or otherwise has a design, color, shape, size, or location that could cause it to be confused with official traffic signs or other signs erected by governmental agencies.
   (i)   Any sign that revolves, or is animated, or that utilizes movement or apparent movement to attract the attention of the public. This prohibition shall include, but not be limited to, propellers, discs, banners, pennants, streamers, animated display boards, balloons.
   (j)    Any sign with lights that flash, move, rotate, or flicker.
   (k)   Any sign that is placed on or affixed to a vehicle or trailer and that is parked in a location that is visible to the public and for a period of time that indicates that the purpose of locating the vehicle in that location is principally for advertising rather than transport.
   (l)   Any sign that is located within any public right-of-way, except publicly-owned or publicly-authorized signs (for example, traffic control signs and directional signs); or any sign (other than a publicly-owned or publicly-authorized sign) that is attached, affixed, or painted on any utility pole, light standard, tree, rock, or other natural feature. This prohibition shall not apply to subdivision signs that are authorized to be placed in the landscaped median of a public or private street.
   (m)    Any roof signs or signs that extend above the roof line of a building.
   (n)   Any painted advertising on a building wall or roof, excepting murals of a non-commercial nature, as exempted under the previous section.
   (o)   Any sign that identifies or advertises an activity, business, product, or service that is no longer in existence, sold, produced, etc.
    (p)   Any illuminated tubing or strings of lights outlining property lines, open sales areas, rooflines, doors, windows, edges of walls, trees, or other landscaping. This prohibition shall not apply to holiday lighting.
    (q)   Any sign that exhibits statements, words, or pictures of an indecent, obscene, or pornographic nature.
    (r)   Any sign that obstructs or interferes with any window, door, sidewalk, or fire escape.
    (s)    Any searchlights or beacons.
    (t)   Any abandoned sign or any sign that advertises a business or product no longer existing or sold on the premises. Whenever a business is discontinued all signs shall be removed within six (6) months. A sign that advertises a business, enterprise, or other activity that is closed for the off-season, not to exceed 270 consecutive days, shall not be considered an abandoned sign.
   (u)   Any sign that communicates a commercial message about a business, service, commodity, accommodation, attraction, or other enterprise or activity that exists, or is conducted, sold, offered, maintained, or provided at a location other than the premises where the sign is located.
   (v)   Any sign or sign structure that is structurally unsafe.
    (w)   Any sign that incorporates a television screen, a computer screen, electronic images, or electronic characters, except those within a window display that advertise the business enterprise or products sold on the premises. Such screens, electronic images or electronic characters shall not exceed one per storefront, nor exceed a forty-two (42) inch diagonal screen size, and shall not include scrolling text, images or characters. (Ord. 11-2013. Passed 7-17-13.)