No signs shall be allowed in the public right of way except for the following (unless otherwise approved by the GPC):
   (a)   Permanent Signs. Permanent signs including:
      (1)    Public signs erected by or on behalf of a governmental body to post legal notices, identify public property, convey public information, and direct or regulate pedestrian or vehicular traffic.
      (2)    Bus stop signs erected by a public transit company.
      (3)    Informational signs of a public utility regarding its poles, lines, pipes or facilities.
      (4)    Awning, projecting and suspended signs projecting over a public right of way and in conformity with the conditions of Table 1189B of this chapter.
      (5)    Signs of civic organizations or special events posted on the community sign or on the village entrance signs.
      (6)    Sandwich board signs as approved by the GPC.
   (b)   Temporary Signs. Temporary signs meeting the requirements for placement in the public right of way as set forth in 1189.09 . (Ord. 17-01. Passed 10-4-01.)