Every parcel of land hereafter used as a public or private parking area, including a commercial parking lot and also an automobile or trailer sales lot, shall be developed and maintained in accordance with the following requirements:
(a) Parking Lot Layout. All parking areas having a capacity over twenty vehicles shall be striped with double lines twelve inches both sides of center between stalls to facilitate in and out movement. Whenever a parking lot extends to a property line or where the extension of a vehicle beyond the front line of the parking space would interfere with drive or aisle access, wheel blocks or other devices shall be used to restrict such extension.
(b) Screening and Landscaping. Off-street parking areas for more than five vehicles shall be effectively screened on each side which adjoins premises situated in any residential district by a masonry wall, earth berm or solid fence of acceptable design.
(c) Surfacing. Any off-street parking area for more than five vehicles shall be graded for proper drainage and surfaced so as to provide a hard, durable and dustless surface made of asphaltic or cement pavement material.
(d) Lighting. Any lighting used to illuminate any off-street parking area shall be so arranged as to direct the light away from adjoining premises in any SR District, including Planned Unit District (PUD).
(e) Joint Use of Parking Areas. Parking spaces may be located on a lot other than that containing the principal use with approval of the Planning Commission provided a written agreement shall be filed with the application for a zoning certificate. When two or more uses are provided on the same lot, the total number of spaces required shall equal the individual requirements summed. In computation, a fractional space shall be rounded to the next highest number.
(f) Vehicular Access. All parking areas shall be provided with direct vehicular access to a street or alley abutting the property upon which the parking area is provided or to an adjacent parking area, and no such vehicular access shall be permitted through or across any lot in the VRD-Village Residential District or any lot in an SRD-Suburban Residential District.