There shall be a Municipal Planning Commission consisting of five (5) members. All members shall be qualified electors who hold no other public office or employment, appointed by the Council to serve for overlapping terms of three (3) years; either a member of Council or a designee, designated by Council, shall serve as an ex-officio member of the Planning Commission. Further, either a member of the Granville Exempted Village School District Board of Education or a designee, as designated by the Granville Exempted Village School District Board of Education, shall also serve as an ex-officio member of the Planning Commission. Minutes of all Planning Commission meetings shall be available for public examination during regular office hours. The Commission shall adopt its own rules and elect its officers annually. It shall have all the power and authority conferred upon planning commissions by State law and such other duties as may be imposed upon it by ordinance. A consent agenda for routine matters may be used at the discretion of the Planning Commission members. Its members shall serve as such without compensation and may be required to participate in an annual training as determined by the Village Manager and Law Director.
(Amended 11-8-11; 11-2-21)