(a) Setback Requirements. Setbacks in areas designated for office, commercial, or similar uses should be consistent with other buildings already constructed within
the general area.
(b) Access and Circulation. Access and circulation standards that apply include the following:
(1) A maximum of two curb cuts per property frontage are permitted.
(2) Limited frontage roads and shared curb cuts should be encouraged.
(3) Pedestrian access should be provided and designed to minimize automobile/pedestrian conflict.
(c) Development Standards.
(1) Utility and transmission lines are to be located in underground conduit wherever possible.
(2) Loading areas, public parking areas, storage areas including trash storage receptacles shall be completely screened from corridor roads.
(3) For any lot splits of any parcel originally within the TCOD (in whole or in part) the minimum lot size for any parcel shall not be less than one (1) acre.
(d) Landscaping Requirements. The objective is a comprehensive landscape program for each parcel or lot within the Corridor Overlay District, to protect and promote the appearance, character, and economic value of lands along the corridor and surrounding neighborhoods. Elements include tree preservation, landscape plan and planting requirements, parking area requirements, and maintenance standards. Landscape requirements to be submitted for review by the Planning Commission include the following:
(1) A landscaped greenbelt area shall be provided between the building(s) and roadway edge. This area shall include only plant material, plazas, walks and bikeways, sculpture, or signage. Such greenbelt treatment shall be submitted to the Planning Commission for review. Existing vegetation shall be preserved and protected as much as feasible, and large proposed plantings shall be exhibited or illustrated on submitted proposals.
(2) Details of the location, type, size, and amount of plant material proposed as well as areas of tree preservation, existing plant material and greenbelt treatment.
(3) Outdoor lighting plans.
(e) Fences, Walls or Barriers. No fence, wall or other artificial barrier shall be erected and/or constructed in this district without prior approval of the Planning Commission. Approval shall be based upon review of an application as set forth in Section 1137.05 of the Codified Ordinances of Granville, Ohio. Planning Commission review shall include type, location, height, compatibility with the area and such other features or characteristics as may be appropriate.
(Ord. 08-2022. Passed 5-5-22.)