(a) Except as provided in Section 1174.06 (b) through (e), any owner or occupant of any land in the Aquifer Wellfield Protection Overlay District at the effective date of the section, shall file a Regulated Substance Activity Inventory Report with the Zoning Inspector. Said report shall be filed within one hundred eighty (180) days of the effective date of this section and at twelve (12) month intervals thereafter.
(b) Except as provided in 1174.06 (b) through (e), any new owner or occupant of any land in the Aquifer Wellfield Protection Overlay District shall file a Regulated Substance Activity Report prior to receipt of a Certificate of Occupancy and at twelve (12) month intervals following the date of occupancy. For purposes of this section, new shall be defined as subsequent to the effective date of this Section.
(c) Where a person owns, operates or occupies more than one location, Regulated Substances Activity Reports shall be made for each location.
(d) Agricultural uses shall file a Regulated Substance Activity Report within one hundred eighty (180) days after the effective date of this Section and at twelve (12) month intervals thereafter. Regulated Substance Activity Reports for agricultural uses shall include total annual on-site application of regulated substances for the reporting property.