(a) Planned Development District Lot Guidelines: Minimum Yards.
Zoning District | Minimum Lot Area | Frontage to Public ROW | Min. Front Setback (feet) | Min. Side Setback (feet) | Min. Total Side Yard (feet) | Min. Rear Setback (feet) | Max. Building Coverage | Max. Height (feet) |
PUD | * | * | 35 | 15 | 30 | 50 | 20% | 35 |
PID | * | 350 | 40 | None | None | 35% | 35 | |
PCD | * | 125 | 30 | 15 | None | 40% | See (d)(1) below |
* Minimum lot area requirements shall be determined by the Planning Commission upon conditions of the proposed development of the land and the requirements established herein for each development. In measuring lot coverage, all buildings and other covered areas, such as parking areas, sidewalks, loading areas, driveways and driveway areas, shall be included.
(1) There must be sufficient lot area and width to meet all parking and yard requirements.
(2) Planned Unit District (PUD) when abutting another district, no structure shall be closer than thirty-five feet and no parking area or access drive shall be closer than fifteen feet to a side lot line.
(3) Planned Industrial District (PIO) when abutting another district, no structure shall be closer than fifty feet and no parking area, loading area or access drive shall be closer than fifteen feet to the rear lot line.
(4) Parking areas shall be no closer to the main structure(s) than ten feet.
(5) Planned Unit District (PUD) parking and accessory building standards shall be as follows:
A. No driveway or parking area shall be within five feet of a side lot line; or ten feet for multi-family dwellings.
B. No driveways or parking areas shall be within ten feet of a rear lot line.
C. For accessory buildings, such as detached garages: minimum yard requirements shall be the same as required for main structures, except in all cases the minimum distance between an accessory building and the rear property line shall be fifteen feet.
(b) Maximum Density - PUD
(1) The gross maximum density in a PUD development shall be as follows:
A. Single-family residential: One (1) dwelling unit per buildable acre dedicated to single-family residential use.
B. Two-family residential: Four (4) dwelling units per buildable acre dedicated to two-family residential use.
C. Multi-family residential: Four (4) dwelling units per buildable acre dedicated to multi-family residential use. The maximum number of dwelling units in a multi-family residential building shall not exceed four (4).
D. Limited commercial:
1. The maximum total gross square footage of all combined commercial uses in a PUD development shall not exceed twenty percent (20%) of the total gross square footage of all combined residential uses in that PUD development. In a PUD development in which all residential uses consist of single-family dwellings, the maximum total gross square footage of all combined commercial uses shall not exceed thirty-five percent (35%) of the total gross square footage of all combined residential uses in that PUD development.
2. As used in this chapter, "buildable" means that part of a lot or parcel whose development is not rendered infeasible by conditions of flood hazard, accessibility, or environmental or legal limitation. Any part of a lot or parcel that is actually developed or to be developed shall be deemed buildable, and any other part of a lot or parcel shall be presumed buildable in the absence of clear and convincing evidence to the contrary. The purpose of this limitation is to exclude any non-buildable part of a lot or parcel from consideration when calculating the maximum allowed densities in a PUD development.
(c) Maximum Density - PCD.
(1) The gross maximum density in a PCD development shall be as follows:
A. Single-family residential: One (1) dwelling unit per buildable acre dedicated to - single-family residential use.
B. Two-family residential: Four (4) dwelling units per buildable acre dedicated to two-family residential use.
C. Multi-family residential: Four (4) dwelling units per buildable acre dedicated to multi-family residential use. The maximum number of dwelling units in a multi-family residential building shall not exceed four (4).
D. Commercial:
1. Maximum total gross square feet per single commercial use or tenant in a PCD shall not exceed 12,000 square feet.
2. Maximum commercial building size in a PCD shall not exceed 20,000 square feet.
3. As used in this chapter. "buildable" means that part of a lot or parcel whose development is not rendered infeasible by conditions of flood hazard, accessibility, or environmental or legal limitation. Any part of a lot or parcel that is actually developed or to be developed shall be deemed buildable, and any other part of a lot or parcel shall be presumed buildable in the absence of clear and convincing evidence to the contrary. The purpose of this limitation is to exclude any non-buildable part of a lot or parcel from consideration when calculating the maximum allowed densities in a PCD development.
(d) Additional Development Standards Relevant to PCD.
(1) Building style and design shall be as set forth in the Building Style, Building Massing, Roof, Windows, Materials and Colors provisions of Section 1175.03(a) of the Zoning Code (building requirements for the Suburban Business District).
(2) The hours of commercial operation shall not exceed 18 hours per day from 6:00 a.m. through 2:00 a.m., with the exception of office, civic and institutional uses and home occupations.
(3) As to other development standards, the Planning Commission may impose any of the other requirements of Section 1175.03(a) on property that is currently zoned or that seeks to be zoned as a Planned Commercial District.
(e) General Site Development Considerations.
(1) The applicable sections of the Subdivision Regulations and the parking, sign and landscaping regulations of this Zoning Ordinance shall be applied. However, a deviation from these regulations may be recommended by the Planning Commission or approved by Council where appropriate to the integrity of the development plan. The Commission shall identify any such deviation in its recommendation to the Council under Section 1171.04.
(2) Traffic plan. A traffic and parking system plan shall be shown that details points of ingress and egress into the property, public and private drives, parking areas and sidewalk areas. The plan shall be so designed to minimize conflict points between pedestrian and vehicular movement, while maintaining ample and safe walkways and pathways.
(3) The Planning Commission shall not recommend nor shall Council approve a development plan unless they find that:
A. Such planned development provides adequate ingress and egress.
B. The planned development does not adversely impact traffic patterns, causing traffic delays or increase traffic usage of municipal streets or existing facilities to the detriment of the safety and welfare of the public.
C. Planned developments fronting on major streets shall be provided with parallel service streets where feasible in order to limit access to one intersection on a major street.
D. Off-street parking shall be provided as established in Chapter 1183. Parking areas must be located behind the front facade of the proposed buildings.
(4) Parking layout. A detailed parking layout must be shown to include the following:
A. Number of spaces indicated by total number of on-site spaces and to be summed by row.
B. Access points and expected movement through and between separate parking lot areas.
C. Expected pedestrian access routes from parking area to stores for PCD. It is encouraged that the total area used for parking be so designed so as to create smaller defined parking lot areas in lieu of a single unbroken paved lot. It is required that adequate landscaping be used to delineate or accent parking and pedestrian areas. Shared parking for multiple buildings is strongly encouraged.
(5) Development incentives: It is the intent that the Planned District be an asset to the surrounding development and as such, development incentives can be granted by the Planning Commission based on the following conditions:
A. In PCD and PIO: Dedicated publicly accessible park land , the amount of acreage to be determined by the Commission. Dedicated site for other necessary municipal services as accepted by the Village. A maximum credit of ten percent (10%) additional ground coverage under PCD and PIO may be granted by the Commission for each of these. Structures, service areas, loading docks, parking areas and pedestrian sidewalks in no case shall cover more than ninety percent (90%) of the site, not including publicly dedicated roadways in the site area calculation.
B. In PUD: Dedicated publicly accessible park land, the amount of acreage to be determined by the Commission. Dedicated school site, the amount of acreage to be determined by the Commission. Dedicated site for other necessary municipal services as accepted by the Village. A maximum credit of five percent (5%) additional ground coverage under PUD may be granted by the Commission for each of these. Structures, service areas, loading docks, parking areas and pedestrian sidewalks in no case shall cover more than ninety percent (90%) of the site, not including publicly dedicated roadways in the site area calculation.
(6) The proposed provisions of all utilities, storm drainage collection, trash collection systems and the lighting system shall be specifically detailed. Trash containers shall be sufficiently screened to avoid nuisance. All litter shall be controlled on site.
(7) The applicant shall show evidence of sufficient control over the land to effectuate the development plan, and the project shall be developed as a unit with respect both to design and construction.
(8) Within the PCD, all service and delivery shall be made to the rear of the structure(s) or use unless special design treatment or other circumstances warrant as approved by the Commission.
(9) In the PCD District, the outdoor storage and display of merchandise on sidewalks or plaza areas shall be prohibited. For zoning to PIO, a descriptive text shall indicate the nature of the activity to be carried on, expected levels of noise, dust, smoke, glare, odor, vibration, or hazardous waste to result from the normal operation of the specific industrial activity. Future expansion plans and uses for all parts of the site are required to be shown, and may be held as a binding condition for approval by the Commission.
(Ord. 13-2022. Passed 6-29-22.)