(a)   Lot Requirements.
      (1)   Minimum lot area: none.
      (2)    Minimum lot width: none.
      (3)   Minimum front yard: thirty-five feet.
      (4)   Minimum side yard: none, except when abutting another district, in which case the minimum side yard shall be fifty feet.
      (5)   Minimum rear yard: none, except when abutting another district in which case the minimum rear yard shall be fifty feet or as specified above.
   (b)   Building Requirements.
      (1)   Maximum building height: as determined by the Village Planner but not to exceed a safe height which may be recommended by the Fire Chief with due consideration given to the type of building construction and the life safety equipment to be contained within the building.
      (2)   All above lot requirements shall also apply for all accessory buildings.
   (c)   Site Development Requirements.
      (1)   All applicable requirements of the sign, parking, landscaping and subdivision regulations shall be met.
      (2)   A traffic and parking system plan shall be required that details point of ingress and egress into and out of the property, parking area with number of spaces labeled, access drives and pedestrian walkways. The plan shall be so designed as to minimize conflict points between pedestrian and vehicular movements.
      (3)   Minimizing the number of curb cuts within the lot frontage and joint curb cuts between adjacent uses shall be encouraged.
      (4)   Storm drainage runoff collection points shall be indicated. Outdoor trash container systems shall be specifically located and screening shall be provided to enclose such containers from view. Furthermore, the applicant shall design and provide a program to control other nuisances related to the carrying out of land use.
      (5)   All service and delivery shall be made to the rear of the structure or use, except under unusual conditions, for which service can be made to the side of the structure.
      (6)   A landscaping and outdoor lighting plan.
      (7)   In addition to the above requirements, the Village Manager and/or his/her designee shall have the right to request additional information from the applicant and may attach conditions to the approval as necessary to meet the objectives of this Zoning Ordinance and the requirements of health and safety. (Ord. 06-2013. Passed 3-20-13.)