(a)    Lot Requirements. Minimum lot size shall be five acres for those uses set forth in Section 1165.02. Minimum lot frontage to a public right-of-way shall be one hundred (100') feet. All structures shall be set back from all public rights-of-way and adjacent property lines a minimum of fifty feet.
   (b)    Building Requirements. The maximum height of structures shall be thirty feet.
   (c)    General Development Standards. The Village Planner shall have the right to request and review traffic ingress and egress plans that affect public rights-of-way. No traffic plan shall be designed so as to create unnecessary burdens on public rights-of-way. The Village Planner may attach such further conditions or requirements as are necessary to meet the objectives of the Open Space District as set out in Section 1165.01.
(Ord. 04-15. Passed 4-15-15.)