An application for demolition of any structure with a foundation in the Village must be submitted to the Village Manager or his/her designee. All properties that are located within the Architectural Review Overlay District (Chapter 1161)
will be reviewed and given a recommendation by the Planning Commission and reviewed and approved by Village Council. All properties located elsewhere within the Village require the review and recommendation from the Village Manager and/or the Village Planner and review and approval by the Village Council.
(a) All applications for demolition of structures shall be reviewed by the Planning Commission or Village Council within forty-five (45) days from the date of filing.
(b) (1) Public Notice of Meeting. Notice of the date set for the Planning Commission and/or Village Council meeting shall be published in one or more local newspapers of general circulation in the Village at least six (6) days before the meeting. Such notice shall include the time, date and place of the meeting and the nature of the request.
(2) Notice to Property Owners. Notice to the applicant and all property owners within 200 feet of the property on which the demolition is to be considered shall be sent by ordinary mail as evidenced by a certificate of mailing or by personal service at least six days prior to the meeting date before the Planning Commission and/or the Village Council. The failure of delivery or receipt of such notice shall not invalidate any recommendation by the Planning Commission or decision by Village Council on the requested demolition. A sign shall be posted on the subject property indicating the proposed demolition and the date, time and location of the meeting at least six days prior to the meeting date for Planning Commission and/or the Village Council.
(c) The Planning Commission or Village Council shall request an advisory opinion from the Granville Historical Society as to the historical significance, valuable architectural character or contribution to the continuous fabric of the street edge of any structure proposed for demolition. The Village Planner shall send the request for an advisory opinion, on behalf of the Planning Commission or Village Council, to the Granville Historical Society at least 30 days prior to the scheduled meeting date. The Planning Commission or Village Council shall consider any recommendation provided to them by the Granville Historical Society when making a decision on the application.
(d) Any application for demolition must also be accompanied by future construction plans and a schedule for implementation of the proposed improvements and/or restoration for the proposed area. If future construction plans are not finalized, the applicant will submit a landscaping and maintenance plan for the area to ensure aesthetic quality.
(e) Following the meeting, the Planning Commission shall make one of the following recommendations to Council within fifteen days:
(1) Recommend that the demolition be granted as requested.
(2) Recommend a modification of the demolition request.
(3) Recommend that the demolition not be granted.
(f) Action by the Council.
(1) Following Council's review of the application, Council shall approve, approve with modifications, or disapprove the demolition request.
(2) Council shall make a decision not later than the next regularly scheduled Council meeting following the conclusion of its review, subject to subsection (e) hereof. (Ord. 12-2013. Passed 7-17-13.)