The uses in the Village District are subject to the site plan requirements of this chapter and the architectural review requirements of Chapter 1161
, as well as the general provisions of this Zoning Ordinance.
(a) Permitted Uses.
(1) Village Residential District.
A. Single-family dwellings and accessory uses incidental thereto, such as garages.
(2) Village Business District. The uses below are separated into use categories defined by capital letter subheadings. Zoning may be approved for any one or more of these categories (ex.: VBD-A). Should a proposed use not occur in the following list (ex.: a financial planning consultant), the Planning Commission upon application may approve such use if it is closely related to those uses listed in any specific category.
A. Hotels, motels and inns, offering board and lodging.
B. Retail outlets: furniture, clothing, shoe and variety stores, hardware, appliance, paint and wallpaper stores; and specialty shops: antique shops, gift shops, magazine, book and stationery outlets, florist shops, camera and photography shops and sporting goods.
C. Business and professional offices: medical, counseling, and dental offices and clinics, law offices, insurance and real estate offices.
(Ord. 15-2015. Passed 12-3-14.)
D. Food, drug and beverage businesses: grocery stores, meat markets, drug stores and bakeries in conjunction with retail sales, restaurants and tea rooms. Drive-through windows are expressly prohibited in the Village Business District. (Ord. 24-2024. Passed 11-20-24.)
E. Clubs, sororities, fraternities, lodges and meeting places for other organizations, not including any use that is customarily conducted as a gainful business, and places of assembly; non-profit educational, civic, religious and social uses, which serve and are compatible with other permitted uses in this District.
F. Service businesses: Laundromat, dry cleaning and laundry pick-up stations, barber and beauty shops, shoe repair and tailor shops, printing shops with not more than ten full-time regular employees.
G. Fitness related businesses.
H. Accessory uses, buildings or structures to the previous A-G.
(3) Village Square District.
A. Nonprofit educational, civic, religious, and social uses which serve and are compatible with other permitted uses in this District.
B. Uses permitted in the Village Residential District and the Village Business District.
(4) Village Institutional District.
A. University and school buildings, including residence halls, food service facilities, classroom buildings and auditoriums.
B. Faculty housing.
C. Sorority and fraternity houses.
D. Passive recreational areas including parks and walkways.
(Ord. 15-2015. Passed 12-3-14.)
E. Mobile Food Trucks. (Ord. 08-14. Passed 9-3-14.)
(b) Conditional Uses.
(1) Village Residential District.
A. Clubs, sororities, fraternities, lodges and meeting places for such organizations, not including any use that is customarily conducted as a gainful business.
B. Home Occupations.
C. Nonprofit educational civic, religious, and social uses which serve and are compatible with other permitted uses in this District.
(2) Village Business District.
A. Parking lots.
B. Mortuaries.
C. Gas stations.
D. Banks (including drive-in banks), finance and utility.
E. Single family dwellings.
F. Bed and Breakfasts.
G. Two-family dwellings, except as limited by Subsection 2(G)(1) below.
1. Within the Core Business District, Dwelling Units shall be allowed only on the upper floors of a structure.
2. For the purpose of this Section, Core Business District is defined as all parcels and/or buildings fronting on the following streets, and located within the Village Business District:
a. East Broadway, on the north and south sides, from Main Street to Pearl Street;
b. North and South Prospect Streets, on the west and east sides, from College Street to Elm Street; and
(3) Village Square District.
A. Cultural Uses.
(4) Village Institutional District.
A. Active recreational uses such as play fields or skating rinks where a large number of participants and/or spectators can be anticipated.
B. Parking lots to service a university or school.
(Ord. 15-2014. Passed 12-3-14.)