(a)   The old village section of Granville is a unique area comprised of residences, neighborhood businesses serving the personal, family and household needs of residents, and public and semipublic land uses. These uses are contained in structures representing a variety of architectural styles which reflect the era in which most of the village section was built. Many of these buildings are now included on the National Register of Historic Buildings. The goal of regulation in the Village District is to insure that any land use changes which occur within the District are harmonious and compatible with the appearance and the character of adjacent land uses and that such changes enhance the Village District.
   (b)   Uses in the Village District are oriented toward the pedestrian rather than the automobile. Amenities such as small park areas, benches and special sidewalk treatments are encouraged. Requirements for parking and setback may be eased when it advances the overall purpose of the Village District. The preservation of existing structures which have historical and architectural significance as well as the integration of new and renovated structures with the character and appearance of existing structures in the Village District is emphasized.
   (c)   The Village District is comprised of four subdistricts: the Village Residential District (VRD), the Village Business District (VBD), the Village Square District (VSD) and the Village Institutional District (VID).
(Ord. 11-2011. Passed 6-1-11.)